RCA Victor (1908)

Record Details:

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STANDARD AND CONCERT NUMBERS Pge Pge My Wild Irish Rose (Qf. 98; Tenor) 73] Stille wie die Nacht Eames| 45 Nightingale’s Song Sembrich| 46] Stein Song Quartet| 98 Nightingale’s Song—Tyrolean Con.) 81} Stormy Breezes Michailowa| 55 Noel Paien Renaud| 59| Swanee River Duet| 90 Nur wer die Sehnsucht Schumann-H.| 47] Swanee River—See also Old Folks O Come with Me Van Hoose| 64) Sweet and Low Mixed Quartet|106 Oh Promise Me Tenor| 69} Sweetheart Days Tenor, 40 Oh Sing to Me Michailowa| 55| Sweet Miss Mary Williams| 52 Oh That We Two Were Maying Duet; 92] Sweet Tho’ts of Home Schumann-H.| 47 Old Brigade Duet) 93) Swiss Echo Song Yaw| 48 Old Folks at Home Contralto| 81] Tarantella (Rossini) Campanari| 58 ; Quartet 101; Calve 43; Patti) 48] Tell Me Pretty Maiden Duet) 91 Old Oaken Bucket Haydn Qt| 98] Tell Me With Your Eyes Quartet|102 Old Oaken Bucket Homestead Qt; 97} Tenting on Old Camp Ground (Qf) 98 Old Sexton, The Bass| 717) Teresita Mia de Gogorza| 62 Only One, The Contralto| 81] The — For titles beginning with Out Where the Breakers Roar Bass| 76 ‘*The’’ see the next word. Owl and the Pussy Cat Quartet| 98] Then You’ll Remember Me Contralte| 8} Parla Valse—Arditi Sem.46; Abott) 51] Then You’ll Remember Me Tenor! 69 Per valliper boschi Melba-Gilibert| 65| There’s Nobody Just Like You Tenor| 40 Piccolo—A Waltz Dream Stev.-Stan.| 92] Those Evening Bells Tenor| 72 Plaisir d’ Amour Gilibert| 64) Thou Brilliant Bird Michailowa| 55 Pretty Girl Milking Her Cow B| 75| Time and Tide Tenor| 70 Prologue—Pafgliacci Baritone| 74] Too Late Tenor| 70 Pur Dicesti (Loti) Patti| 48] Toreador Song—Carmen Turner| 74 Red, WhiteandBlue(Columbia) Tenor, 39 Francisco| 75 Robin Adair Patti) 48] Tramp, Tramp, Tramp Duet| 91 Rocked in Cradle of Deep Stan/ey| 76] Triste ritorno Caruso| 43 Hooley 77; Quartet) 98} Turnkey’s Song—Rob Roy Bass| 77 Rock Me to Sleep, Mother Soprano| 78] Un ange est venu Melba-Gilibert| 65 Rosary, The Bar. 74; Schumann-H.| 47| Valse Lente-AdorablesTour. Caruso| 43 Rose of My Life Tenor| 70| Venetian Song Baritone| 74 Rule Britannia Baritone| 74| Verborgene Wunden Gadski| 49 Russian Folk Song Duet| 64] Village Blacksmith Baritone| 74 Sailor’s Prayer, The Baritone| 75| Vilia Song—Merry Widow Soprano| 78 Salt of the Sea for Me Bass| 77| Voce di primavera—Vaise Sembrich| 46 Sally in Our Alley Quartet) 98) Warrior Bold Bass| 76 Santa Lucia Baritone| F| Water-Mill, The Quartet; 98 Scots wha’ hae wi’ Wallace TJenor| 71| Wearing of the Green Baritone| 75 Sea Gull’s Cry, The Duet| 64] We’ve Been Chums for Fifty Tenor) 70 Serenade—Gounod Soprano| 78} When I’m Away from You Tenor| 70 Serenade—Gounod Mich. 55 ; Calve| 43] When Bell in Lighthouse Bass| 77 Serenata eee Baritone| 75| When Johnny Comes Marching D) 93 Serenata (Tosti) Melba 44; Juch| 61] When Summer Tells Autumn Good Patti| 48 Bye Duet| 93 Se Saran Rose Melba| 44] When You and I Were Young Duet} 92 She Wander’d Down Contralto| 81] When You and I Were Young Tenor| 70 Silver Threads Among Gold Tenor| 70] Where the Sunset Turns Tenor| 69 Si mes vers avaient des ailes Melba} 44] Who is Sylvia Eames| 45 Sing Me to Sleep Contralto; 81] Wiegenlied Schumann-Heink| 47 Si tu Veaux, Mignonne Plancon| 56} Will You Love Mein December Qf} 102 Soldier’s Farewell Quartet} 91] With All Her Faults I Love Tenor| 70 Songs My Mother Used to Sing D)| 98] Within a Mile of Edinboro’ Patti| 48 Song of a Heart Baritone| 75] Women—Merry Widow Quartet| 98 Standchen—Ser. (Schubert) Gadski| 49] Year’s at the Spring Eames| 45 Star of Love Contralto| 81] Ye Banks and Braes Tenor| 71 Star Spangled Banner Bass| 77) You and I Duet| 90 Star Spangled Banner Eames) 45] Your Mother Wants You Boy Tenor| 70 POPULAR SONGS OF THE DAY (Sentimental, Comic and **Coon’’ Songs) ABBREVIATIONS S.— Solo D.— Duet Selections in this list are marked merely solo, duet or quartet. Ot.— Quartet The names of the singers can be found by referring to the page indicated. Absence Makes the Heart Advice to Married Men Ain’t it Funny What a Differ. Ain’t You Coming Back to Old New Hampshire, Moll Solo Ain’t You Coming Out Tonight Solo Alice, Where Art Thou Going? Solo All In, Down and Out Solo Always in the Way Solo Always Leave Them Laughing Solo