National vaudeville artists fund (1923)

Record Details:

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Frank Crumit Photo Bulk Roye photo, Apeda Blostom Seeley Photo Bloom M Ray Miller and His Orchestra Photo, Wolterfi Furman & Nash Photo Ap<d<i ^1 JolsOD Photo Stfoufis Peyton Frank Westphal and His Orchestra Eddie Cantor Photo Apeda Photo De Ho Dolly Kay Photo, Stfo Photo. Hoins yens Service Guido Deiro Photo, Apeda Paul Specht^’"^^-'-^ and His Orchestra In addition to these, the Columbia staff includes such footlight celebrities as Harry C. Browne, A1 Herman, Chauncey Olcott, Irving and Jack Kaufman, Moore and Davis, Weber and Fields. Hear their latest and best on Here they are! Count ’em! All the bright lights and headliners of vaudeville who entertain their majesties, Mr. and Mrs. American Citizen, with the latest songs and newest dance music. Van and Schenck New Process RECORDS