Ballyhoo (Apr 9, 1954)

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WHERE DO YOU STAND ..¢ ZN OUR This week's entries are in, and as usual, there are a couple of abstainers ... just can’t get up enough steam to get out and try to hustle up a little biz. Jeff is among the missing ... this is his fourth miss ovt of thirteen weeks. dJack Ward also shares these dubious honors, making it his fourth also. It sometines makes me wonder just a liitie, especially when I get through checking and scoring &® Gampaign like Jack Bridges', or one of MeDonough's specials, or Eddic Landsborough's steady flow of material coo It makes it Look rather obvious ... dossn't Zt oo. thes the "neo entry" reason is purely and simply a "no offort" one. Thore isn't a manager alive who can't promotes one single window ... get a simple tieeup with his newspaper, or failing that, his radio station ... have a street bally going, or, if worst comes to worst .oo place & scene on an off=-theatre page ovo barely enough to keep him from being too conspicnous by his absence. Fellows ... L%ve said it before, and I'il take time to repeat it here and now ... I EXPECT at Least the minimun entry from EVERY MANAGER in this district, EVERY WEEK§ I don't expect you to be a Barnum, or a McDonough or a Cauley, Bridges, or anyone of the other half dozen live, wideeawake shownen I'm so very proud of o..» © do expect you to at least make a pretense of being interested in the business which affords you your living. You can’t de that by sitting on your big fat chair ... playing at being an exocutive o.oo If you can't, or just don't care to prove in the only way you can, that you are honestly trying to do the kind of a job we are entitled to ... then I say, give your assistant free reign ... let him do the job for you ... BUT, give him due credit when you send in his entries. I MEAN IT ... Let's get a little action into this deal,