Ballyhoo (Jun 25, 1954)

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THATS WHAT THE MAN Saito elite eet oe eres ne ET : \ | \ | { Sa Fea aS \ I i Tae N \ y j \ i x Now I've got a beef from AL Hartshorn ose bicn the nice got himself in the “Exploiterial" eo S$.f.R. under date of Mey 29%h oo» O sueli job he did on KNIGHTS OF THE ‘ missed you Ah ose 4. } de GRRAG Den't know how Might mention ai bhe Joliey end Bob Nelson : on a couple of their gaunes in the Nico going fellows o>: VA Cerne Howls that ROY. sturt oie Tim not going to give any of you a | vost until EVERY ONE or YOU has his Fay in seo and that means you, O1ge oo WYateh your date on HOBSON'S C and start planning your campaign ooo There meat in $hah One ooo and a hunk of dough some-of the Live-wireb in our theatres in Ontario coo LoF.Do has allocated some cash prises Lor the winning selling Joba ovo andy theve’s a prise for the winning booker teco Go after it gang oso incidentally, te narrow the field down, this contest is restricted ho Famous Players theatres. More details in our next issuce GVO WEEKS TO GO ooo and then we write "Finis" to our Pallyhes Bonanza coe Don't sigh so, Loud oo» When the scores aro all in oo. the prizes awarded to our winning Ballyhooers oo and you're got your summer * yacation under your belts, there'll be news of owe next project «co and i% should be & Lulu ec. Bst you ean't walt to hear ceo a bangeup fix YOU and me ooe Ges yo go we can clear our ds and better ACTION.