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Ballyhoo (Aug 24, 1954)

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SIGNS Of FALL Re AN LS Ee Specks of brown and gold starting to dot the countryside ... Posters extolling the merits of this rears C.N.E. oo» Holy cats, it's only & few days off ... Football back on the sports pages ... Got my hockey tickets in the mail the other day .o. Yep, summer's fast afadin" ... Kids back from the country and summer camps. really whooping it up during their final week of freedom ... ext week oe. baek to school. And ».. that moans Labour Day ... which in turm means, the start of a new season of Showmanship. ou Which reminds me e.. What have you done te get your Fal Festival under way? o.oo. OF are you awaiting detailed instructions? Let's inject a little variety into it this year ... Let's see if every one of our theatres can't get a Fall drive going, which will reflect the personality of the manager, and his staff ... let's try to really sell the terrifie product being lined up for us ... Let's not wait for prodding and needling ... Let us get going right now ... TODAY, You have your September bookings, and have a pretty good idea of what you!ll be playing from now practically through Christmas. Start selling, Brother ... and remember ooo Fall!s practically here ... official start of a new SCaSON ooo 80, Let's get started ... and let your booker in on the secret. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he may have a couple of pretty good ideas ... which you may be able te use to advantage. Don't wait for tomorrew guys ... It's a long way off ooo Make use of all your Todays ... starting TODAY. DIGEST SHOWMANSHIP CONTES? Only a few days left to get your entries in for the Fall judging of the Canadian Moving Picture PDigest's annual Showmanship competition, Several books hava already come in from our gang ... but there are still far too many missing ... I'll list the "abstainers" after the Which reminds me .o. How about that ROB ROY campaign »o. and let us not forget HOBSON'S CHOICE ... thar'’s goid in them thar campaszgn books o.oo RoK.O. and I.F.D. are both just begging to give away satcheis full of greenbacks ... and you don't have to come in for the loot either ... You just win, and 1411 be glad to deliver the “prize money .o. won't even cost you the price of a lunch ... I'211 buy. Falr enough? Now all you've gotts do is enter, and knock off one of the cash prizes .oo VACATION TIME Hey fellas o.oo vacation time is nearly over, and it's time to dig in and get set for the Fall and Winter merchandising ... but one er two of you have still some holidays coming. I'd sure hate to see you miss out on it ... Everybody should have some time off 3.. but, if you let 1% go too long you mayfind ycurself so busy that you'li have to pass up your plans until next summer, If you're one of the "stallers" ,... get your dates in to me right away ... There's stiil time -o.. and I'il approve your dates, but oiease don't wait until the end of September and then start thinkine about it ... Huh?