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I've been tossing a lot of bouquets at you fellows lately ... well-deserved enes I'm sure, but seems to ne like the odd one among us has been getting a free ride ... coasting along on the strength of what this group as a whole hag been doing ... Maybe it's time to let fly a few brickbats, and if one lands out your way, no use ducking ... it'll have your name on it.
For sustained effort I've never seen anything te mateh our BALLYHOO contests ... I make no apelogics for driving you follows on to bigger and botter selling, livelier promotion, greater publie relations ...
Merchandising is an important part of our jeb ..0 If we want to "eat regular® we must get customers into our theatres ... and if we want customers, we've gat to make sure that enough natives know about our wares te £111 all those seats we've got dusted off.
it°s not enough te sit back and read about the terrific jobs being done by a Bob Harvey, or Art Cauley, Mei Jollay, George Forhan and a couple of ethers ... I want to be able to write as mueh about every one of you o.. and f& ean'é do it unless you exert the same effort ag the lads whose names have beceme synonymous vith good showmanship.
We're into our third month of the current drive oo. BALLYHOO 5.0.S. Let's make 4% one of the biggest Bailyheo months to date, I ean't do it for you ... All I know is what I vead in your reports ef activities. Let's quit coasting, beys, and do some real, honest-to-goodness pushing oo Our Spotlight 4s on SHOWIANSHTP and on YOU.