Ballyhoo (Mar 25, 1955)

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HUMBER 22 MARGH 2 NIL NIST PROBGM Many years ago in Winnipeg oo. as & senior, and member of eur High School student council, I was given two assign= movieS ooo One was to design s school ring, and the other, @o name and design a cover for the first issue ef what was ¢o become an annual year book. Phe name I selected was perhaps not too imaginative. Wo called the book THE TORCH, and the cover was naked of enbohlishments, except for a hand holding aleft a Llaning sorsh, the symbol of fraedom oco Of light ..0 Of man’s overe Lasting esearch for truth. The scheol ring, which I believe 48 stvi11 dn use, showed the same terch with the school erest superimpossd, and beariag our school motto ..o NIL NIST PROBUM coc Latin was not included in my curriculum, but I knew well the meaning of those words o.o NIL Nisi PROBUH, oNothing but the right ..." Strange how after ell these years these few simple words should suddenly pop into ny mind. They're geod words, whieh combine to form a eather édealistic thought ... and I often feel that we can use a fay ddeals now and again ooo to govern ourselves ooo OUP business relationships oo. our attitude towards all of our fallow beings. And we ean do worse than te accept THE TORCH as farther evidenes of our loyalty ..o te ourselves, to our eompany which mekes it possible for us to earm our daily bread, +he great industry of which we aro a part, and our country whieh protests our right to practice the freedom symbolised by the ever-burning flame. This 4sn!t intended as a preachment o.oo LI was just thinking, and my thoughts carried me back to the days when such things as the TORCH, and an oid Latin motte were very Lunportant b0 Meo . i think we can all profit by glancing back over the yeses occasionally oe. ab our early ideals, our hopes, and cup plans for the future o.. whieh 3s TODAY. I think we can de worse than practice = ar? wT ee. t wero 4} A. & he “ Lh. gg > » } end so} oy 2 NIL NISI PROBUM ... BNothing but the regnhs a Cee ae rE ec ns ee ~