Ballyhoo (Mar 25, 1955)

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DOWNTOWN = HAUILTON Three Lecal travel agencies eombined toe help Pauk put over bins FIRE OVER APRICA date oo. Bach devoted a full. window to a diaplay of material provided by Paul. Within half an heur of receiving our phone cali telling hin that bis news wewld be tha first to feature the victorious Penticton V"s, Paul was om the ailv broadeasting this infermation far and wide ... had & large display in front of the theatre, and prevailed upen our good friend Jane Baker to scarry a story in that evening’e csditier of the Spectator. Thats spreading bhe word Paul, but geod. Pinsaliy Mro Peanut came through o.o. 8 week Late, but better late than nover, I guess. To help put over the sport erest deal, Pauli arranged for the Planters Peanut float, complete with two Mr. Peanuts and a giant bunny to visit him last Saturday. The float was parked in frent of the thoatre, and the peanuts and rabbit performed for a solid twe hours oo. handing eut free nuts to the passeracby, and the youngsters in the audience. Traffic, including buses was slowed to a crawi, and three brawny gendarmoa had their hands fil contreodling the crowis. Hepe 4% helped £411 your theatre Pawl ... did 1%? two young lads, sens of one of Paul's ataftf members, decorated their parkag with a full set of the crests, and wore them to sehool all weelk. Lots of interest was created, and they were busy handing out details of the deal to their fellow scholars. Keep banging away at thio Paul ... Onea yeu got the young %uns into the habit of attending your Saturday mats, they'll continue to some just as leng as yeu offer some Snducoment. Don't let upo GAPETOL = PETERBORG For his crest deal, Len arvanged fer a full window in Dit Clapper's Sport Store ... with a display of the crests, details of the deal .o. and, ho managed te get in some attraction copy too. For the twim bill, CANNXYBAL ATTACK and BAMBOO PRISON, Len mado goed use of a vasant store on the main drag, setting up a vary attractive displey in the window. A good display board was set up at the entrance to the Reward Shoe Store, Len prevailed upen the managing editor ef the Local Examiner to print a story im connection with his closing eut of Poto Rite, which had become somewhat of an institution in his theatre, Must have dons seme good, as the following week the prise money was ehaimed. the Eidésn Names couteat dim the Lakefield News still running every week, with Lon benefitting te the extent of a good five column banner across the bottom of the page in return for & couple of prize ducats. Four scence om BANBOO PRISON appoared in the pages of the News, and two of them were duplicated in the twin sheet, the Weekly Review.