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DG you gonetines feel a little bit guilty about approaching your merchants for a tie-up? Have you the mistaken notion thet they"re giving you something for nothing? Let me try to preve souething to you ooo Something you ean use the noxt tine you are out selling your theatre o.o0 your attraction oo. your industry. And, 4f you present this properly, you may leave your merchant im a happier frame of mind, and feeling that we"re really doing senething for HIM ... something BIG.
fake a pkhaim sheet of white card, about 36° square. Mark a spot anywhere om the ecard to rapresent your theatre. Let's take an average femily attending ome night. Draw a ped dine from any outside point to your theatre, representing the man of the house. Alongside 3b dvaw a green line for the Mrs. and next te it a purple Line for junior. You now have three lines, for a normai Lamziy ef three. AIL are travelling ?ren their home o@
your theatre.
Zou now have a traffic pattern for one family ... Mo natter whether thay travel by sar, bus er an Loot, bhey must pass any zumber of businasa establishments. If the wlnadews are well lighted and attractive, the merchant is goimg to have a potential sustemer, We san't de the selling fer him, bet what is just as importan® ... we bring the buying public within reach @£ hie advertising and kis displays.
How take another sheet of white sard. Muitiply the pattern by two os three hendred ooo OF & theusand, Use a normal day's attendance, and it wil Zoek senething like this. That's how many potential guatemers you are diractly responeible for bringing ia Goncact with Ne. Mexchant. Is that worth something to ham 4... oF not?
£ think the answer is ehvieus, Maybe he never thought of 1t ta quite that ways YOU'RE giving bin something ooo folk him about 1%, Bub ooo bedh
bin GOOD.
Adéwesga your losal Ghamber of Commerce ... Use the eards om them. They're pretty smart cookies ... they41l recognise the vaiue of your theatre to the community. Maybe At will influence then to keep their establishements open in the evenings. It ean't do a bit of harm ... That"s your SRAFFIC PATTERN beye oc. Vae it to the beat possible advantage.