Ballyhoo (Apr 11, 1955)

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HOW?S YOUR PRESENTATION? XI guess it's true that sometimes one can't sac the forest for the trees seo Some of us are 30 close te our operations that we aro apt on Seecasion to overlook the basic principles involved in the propexs presentation of eur programs. It sometimes takes an occasional visiter to our theatres to point out our faults to us. Here are a few such observations o.< Study them carefully, and if they apply te YOUR theatro ...0 fella, better do something about correcting then. Ave your trailers always shown in the proper aspect to the various aspect patties we use? CinemaScope ... VistaVision ete? Take a good look. I know that in some cases your projectionists don't even bother to change their apertures ..o0 which ean 't help but result 4n a sloppy, sometimes sven hard-to-read sercene De yeu use your screen draws between subjects? Or is it just toc much trouble? How about the rest of the vary costly equipment you have bean provided with, We have spent, and are now spending countless thousands of dollars to convinee patrons of the various improvements in our theatres .o. yet we oftimes neglect the wery things we are trying to sol] them. This 35 semething that both you and your projectionists ought to be vitally concerned with. Get together with your beothmen, TODAY. Talk about this, and get their advice and eu-operation o.oo It's THEIR bread and butter too ... just as much as At ds YOURS. Let’s start deing more than step on the starter and let ‘er rip. Let's start presenting our PRESENTATION. oXoKoKeKko XoXs NIGH GOING BOB I'm glad that at least one of our gang knocked off & prise in the M.P.H. Better Refreshment Merchandising contest. Bob Harvey got himself an Herorabis Mention, and I have at hand copy of a letter written him by Jack Fitzgibbons, extending congratulations and a practical “thank you" in the form of a cheque for twenty five bucks. Whexe were the rest of you guys? Just hoping? Thet doesn't win eontests, or prizes. Gongratulations to T.C.L. are in order toes Mest of the prige winners were Ganadian accounts serviced by theme Niece going gange oXoBXoXKoKoXo HARRY WILSON WRETES ... eS et ens Se SET “After reading your Ballyhoo dated April 4th, I theught you would be interested in tbe enclosed ...% and he sends along pages and pages ef a prometion designed to sell the Chatham theatre going public on a Yreturn to the theatres" movement, in the form of a Spring Festival, Harry and Frank Reid combimed om this, and did a terrifie job, which inehudes four complete co-op pages in the Chatham Nelly News, many steriles, pietures of the managers, jumbo window cards ia all loading merchants windows etc. As nice a selling job as I've evar seano Nieo hearing from you Harry, and even though you'rs not in this district ... keep us posted ef your activities ... We're all im this together. Kesp "Blewing your horn ...0"