The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (October 1889)

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vi. The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographio Enlarger, Trade Mark @ore Wad « WZ. Reszistered. 2,8T. SWITHIN STREET, ABERDEEN, Makers of the Highest Class of +¢ PHOTOGRAPHIC * LANTERN + SLIDES. THEIR SERIES INCLUDES MANY VIEWS OF London, Windsor, and the Thames. Oxford and Cambridge. The English Cathedrals. Derbyshire and the Peak. Bristol and the West of England. Yorkshire Cathedral and Watering Places. Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen. The Land of Scott and Burns. The Trossachs. The Lochs, Bens, and Glens of Scotland. Besides Views in almost every District in Great Britain. CATALOGUES THROUGH ANY DEALER IN LANTERN SLIDES, OR POST FREE ON RECEIPT OF ADDRESS.