The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (December 1889)

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iv. The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. DALLMEYERS LENSES Are used by all the Leading Photographers, both Amateur and Professional, THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, and have obtained the Highest Awards wherever Exhibited. DALLMEYER “On the Choice and Use of Photographic Lenses.’’ Price Is, New Descriptive Catalogue of Photographic Lenses and DALLMEYER’S LENSES & CON DENSERS SPECIALLY CONSTRUCTED FOR THE OPTICAL LANTERN, WILL BE POSTED FREE ON APPLICATION. J. H. DALLMEYER, Optician, 25, Newman St., London, W. Telegraphic and Cable Address—*« DALLMEYER, LONDON.” J. H. STEWARD’S NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Post Free, Gratis, ; OF IMPROVED AEE WICK : Magic Lanteros and Dissolving View Apparatus. NEW SLIDES & NOVEL EFFECTS. Bridgman and Premier Triple Lanterns. MAGIC LANTERNS For Family and School Use and Enlarging, from £1 1s. to £150. Agent for Beard’s UTOMATIC. REGULATOR and COMPRESSED GASES in Steel Cylinders. "406, 457, STRAND, 54, CORNHILL, LONDON. AWARDED Gorp& Strver Mepats, BLUNIAL LANTERN gLatest Improvements. Magic Lanter nm i Dissolving View Photographic Apparatus Makers. The Best and Chenpest House for ligh-Class Lanterns and Slides. Lime Light and Mineral Oil adapted ‘ as a speciality. Patent Triple Rack Lanterns and Patent Adjustible Lelescupic Draw Tubes. Biunials from £46, Full-Sizo Single Lanterns, 4-in. Condensers, m Us. Wa Lend Slides in any quantity at Is. per dozen. Catalogues Post lree. ~ W.H. HOMPHRIES & Co. Show Kooms:— $a 268, Upper Street, Islington, N. pass the door. Teleyraphic Address:— * FociMeter,” Factory Elford Road, Drayton Park, N. Loxpox. Dark Room (free) for use of Tourists. Send for Catalogue of Specialties. LANTERN-SLIDE CAMERA. This ‘“‘mo:t useful instrument” leaves nothing to do beyond inserting Negative at oneend and Lantern Plate atthe other. Expose and Develop, and you will find it always in correct focus, size, and position. Prices complete, 3-plate size, 12/6; }-plate, 15/-, of the Patentee ana Manufacturer, Iw. GRIFFITHS, Highgate Sq., Birmingham.. WHOLESALE AGENTS— MARION & CO., London. RICHARD H. MORAN, IMPORTER AND JOBBER, | 306, BS00ME STREET, NEW YORK, USA. 22 Omnibuses and Trans from all parts 2 Phctographic Materials. American and Foreign Novelties. Catalogues and Bargain List, post free. WOOD'S LANTERNS AND SLIDES ON SALE OR HIRE. NEW SETS OF SLIDES with printed Lectures. Paris Exhibition—French Revolution— French History—Norman Conquest—Innocents Abroad—Civil War—American History—Holy Land—Hlistory of the Prayer Book—Crimea to the Caucasus—Rochester—Chester—Derbyshire: Tales from Life, Models, &c., and 80,000 other Slides already in Stock. The ‘‘EUPHANERON’”’? LANTERN with the four-wick W Lamp, £4 4s. The “CHEAP”? LANTERN with 4-in. Condenser and threewick Lamp, £1 18s. Wood's New List uf Slides and Lanterns, Post-free for One Stamp. BE. Ges WOCD, V4; CHHAPSIDE, LONDON, And HORNE, THORNTHWAITE & WOOD, 416, STRAND, LONDON.