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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger.
As a means for enabling lantern slide exhibitors to distinguish at a glance their slides from others, Mr. Vevers, of Leeds, has introduced binders of five different colours—scarlet, pink, lavender, blue, and green.
THE second edition of the ‘“‘ Lantern Operators’ Guide,” by Messrs. Riley Brothers, of Bradford, is upon our table. This pamphlet (1d.) contains instructions relating to the management of lanterns, and also prices of apparatus supplied by this firm. We have also received a sample picture window bill, printed in four colours and of appropriate design, with blanks for particulars of entertainments. These show billsare supplied by Messrs. Riley at a moderate price, and are quite attractive. ——
WeE have received some mounts for lantern transparencies of various apertures, from Mr. A. Pumphrey, and also some of the same nature from Mr. A. R. Wormald. These masks are white on one side and black on the other. By this means it is an easy matter to distinguish the right from the wrong side of a slide even in a dull light.
GREaT iterest centres round the famous Forth Bridge now that it is being completed. We have received from Messrs. Valentine and Sons (Dundee) a number of lantern transparencies of this structure; they are sharp, clear, and beautiful, and when shown on the screen will make useful engineering studies.
From the well-known makers of the ‘‘ Aurora ” optical goods we have received some sets of transfer slides. Each story or set is put up ina box, the label being a new registered design; an illustration of Stxbad the Sailor, Dick Whittington, Jack the Giant Killer, and John Gilpin appearing in each corner respectively.
Applications for Patents, 1889.
No. 14671.—Sept. 17, W. R. Lake, “ Improvements in magic lanterns or stereopticons.”’
No. 14976.—Sept. 23, B. Acres, “‘ Developing dish.”
No. 15163-4.—Sept. 26, A. B. Loman, “ Improvements in photographic cameras and shutters.”
No. 15289.—Sept. 28, N. Browne, ‘“‘ Photographic shutter.”
No. 155§83.—Oct. 3, F. H.. Froedman, ‘‘ Photographic dishes.”
No. 15651.—Oct. 5, W. J. Lancaster, ‘ Photographic printing frames.”
No. 15844.— Oct. 9, J. Corlett, “ Taking photographs by a telescopic extension camera.”
No. 16100.—Oct. 12, J. R. Fairfax, “Films for photographs.”
No. 16788.—Oct. 24, W. Tylar, -“ Dark room photographic lamps.”
No, 16908.—Oct. 26, W. J. Chadwick, “Camera and dark slide.” :
LANTERN ASSOCIATION. [To the Editor. ] a
Sir,—The “Optical Magic Lantern Journal” is supplying a long-felt want, and is becoming increasingly interesting.
Inthe November number, which through some delay I have only just received, Mr. T. H. Holding suggests the formation of a “ Lantern Club.” :
Country members would not be able to avail themselves much ofthe benefits arising therefrom, but they might be admitted at a nominal fee, so that when in town they could have the opportunity of attending meetings. ;
Probably some system for the exchange of slides could be arranged and worked by the club. This would prove a great boon to lanternists in the provinces. Members desiring an exchange could send up to the secretary a list; and when an exchange has been effected, a small commission charged to both sides to pay expenses.—I am, Sir, yours truly,
Market Place, Sleaford.
SLIDE COLOURING. [fo the Editor.} :
SiR,—Would any of your correspondents kindly inform me how to mix colours, to colour some lantern photographs (comics) ; what colours to use ; and a slight insight as to how to use them? Hoping you will be kind enough to help me out of the difficulty, I remain, yours respectfully,
Vestry Road, Camberwell, London.
Str,—When in the Patent Office this morning I saw a specification of a patent for an alleged improvement in the lantern. It consisted of the application of a parabolic reflector to the light. ;
I quite grant that such a reflector will throw forward more light than a spherical one behind the lamp, but in its effect upon the definition of the projected picture it will make sad confusion, for the direct rays from the lamp itself will fall on the slide in a diverging manner, while those from the parabola surrounding that flame will be projected forward in parallel lines; therefore will the light be playing at cross purposes.
Parabolic reflectors are all very well for coach lamps, but they won't answer for any image-forming purpose, unless the direct rays from the flame are stopped off by an opaque screen.—I am, yours, &c.,
London, Dec. 9th, 1889. CIVIL ENGINEER
Camera-Club Notices.
Monday, Dec. 16th, 8 p.mt.—Opening of Fifth “ One-Man”’ Exhibition of Photographs at the Club. Pictures by the late Mr. O. G. Rejlander. At 9 p.m. special Exhibition of Lantern Slides.
Thursday, Dec. 19th, 8 p.m.—Mr. Lyonel Clark, “The Salting and Exciting of Ordinary Drawing Papers,” with a Demonstration.