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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (April 1891)

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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographio Enlargor. iil. Prize Medals, Liverpool International Exhibition, 1886. Photographic Exhibition, 1888. ARCHER’S NEW OPTICAL LANTERNS. Proved superior to all others. See reports. ARCHER & SONS, LANTERN SPECIALISTS, Lists free One stamp. Many Novelties. 43 to 49, Lord Street, Liverpool. Established 1848. Effect Slides painted for the Wholesale London Houses. All kinds of Slides made to Order. Dissolving View Magic Lanterns and Slides. Photographic Apparatus, Scientific Instruments and every description of miscellaneous property. R. J. C. STEVENS begs to announce that he holds Sales of the above, every Friday, at half-past twelve precisely, at his great Rooms, 38, King Street, Covent Garden, London. * ms ” Gentlemen wishing to include property in these Sales, are requested to send particulars one week prior to Sale. F.W. YART, Patentee & Manufacturer 8 & 9, KINGSLAND GREEN (,2Azs70n LONDON, N.E. : Portable Adjustable Magic Lantern Screen Stands. ‘Garden Studios and Background Stands. FLASH LAMPS :— Original Patent for distribution and other Appliances for Photographic, Scenic, and Signal Purposes. PxHotoGRrapHic ApPaRATuS, CueMiIcats, &c., Suppcy Srore. 177, Walworth Rd PY YMOMIEM SLLT T. J. DOGGETT Manufacturing Tin-Plate Worker to the Optical Lantern and Photographic Trades, 4, CHURCH LANE, UPPER ST., LONDON, N. Lanterns in Japanned Tin-Plate or Mahogany—Russian Iron Lamps. MAKE YOUR OWN PICTURE FRAMES, With our Registered Mitre-Cutting Machine, any person—without previous instruction or practice—can make a Picture Frame. Write for Illustrated Circular to BOOTH BROS., DUBLIN. CG. W. WILSON & Co., PHOTOGRAPHIC PUBLISHERS AND LANTERN SLIDE MAKERS, 2, St. Swithin Street, ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND. SPHCTA TT. 34 Hand-painted Slides, from 4d.; Photographic, from 6d. ; beautifully-coloured Slides in Sets of 12, price ds. 6d.; “Stanley ’’ Slides on Sale or Hire, lowest prices in the trade; Comic Slipping in Mahogany Frames, 7s, 6d. doz.; Lever Action, 2s. 3d.; Rackwork, 3s. each ; Best quality Interchangeable, Double Motion Chromatropes, 4s. 6d. ; Extra Discs, ls. per pair ; Lecturer’s Reading Lamps, with Flash Shutter, showing Red Light Signal, 3s. 6d.; the “Lightning Double Carrier Frame, Is. 3d. ; Slides for Small Lanterns, from 5d. doz.; Magic Lanterns equally cheap. NEW CATALOGUES PUST-FREE, ROBERT H. CLARK, ROYSTON, HERTS. lt GENERAL WANTS, &c. 20 Words, Gd.; each additional 3 Words, 1d. ANTERN SLIDES in Sets, short stories, good comic, any sort, well coloured ; also plain Photo Slides, travel ; must be very moderate.—A.Z., c/o thin JOURNAL. 18 YACHTING SLIDES (West, Southsea and Neate) 18s.; Set Swiss (14), 10s.; 9 Coloured Holy Land, 9s. 6d.; 14 Comic and odd, 53.; Newton's 3-wick Lantern, with lime jet and fittings extra, £3 5s.; 9 ft. jointed Screen Frame, Ss.; Blow-through Jet, 10s.— JOHN STEWART, 32, Boyd Street, Largs, Ayrshire, N.B. ANTERN OPERATOR, limelight or otherwise; can a4 accept occasional engagements.—H., 171, Brockley oad. AIR “ Hughes’ Patent Triplexicon Lamps,” price 12s. only.—4, Crescent Street, Barnsbury, N. ROFESSOR KOENIG’S ENTERTAINMENTS — Music, Songs, and MIRTH, [lustrated with magnificent lime light scenery, grand and marvellous effects. painted by Hill, Dickson, Dobel, Simpson, and others, and shown with a powerful Tri-unial stereoscopic Apparatus, giving pictures from 10 to 50 feet in diameter at any distance (subjects with music and songs). Nazareth, Mount Vesuvius, storm at Sea, The Village Blacksmith, The Flying Dutchman, and many other subjects, thus curtailing a lengthened lecture, which so often proves monotonous iu these entertainments. Programmes on application, 373, Edgeware Road, W. SECOND-HAND GAS BAGS for Sale; Newton's Microscopic Lens (2 powers) and 21 Slides.—SMART, 8, Widden Street, Gloucester. 1GH-CLASS Photographic Slides, 30 sets, artistically 3 coloured, 6s. and Ss. per dozen; lists free—J. MCLELLAN, 36, St. Paul’s Road, Canonbury, London, N. AHOGANY LANTERN (pair), best condensers, achromatic front lenses, rack work adjustment, blow through jets, five foot strong gas bag, pressure board, retort, purifier, and tubing; also 2 Microscopes, 2 powers, with trough to fit Lantern, the whole in box, £7.—373, Edgware Road, Maida Vale, W. HIGHEST CLASS SLIDE COLOURING. Now is the time to send Orders. Our work has been used at the Royal Polytechnic 200 nights in succession, and at all the principal institutions in the world. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. WILKINSON & CO., HOLMESIDE, SENDERLAND. ESTABLISHED 1839. ORIGINAL HAND DRAWN DESIGNS For Reproduction, as Lantern Slides, by Photography. Any Subject (Tales, Poems, &c.) Artistically & Accurately Illustrated. Designs made for every kind of Plain, Effect or Mechanical Slides. Lecture sets got up. Paintings, Engravinzgs, &c., converted into slides, Always New Subjects to offer for the trade. Write for particulars. EF. WEEKS, Principal Designer and Draughtsman to the leading London firms, 14, Thorpe Road, Forest Gate, London, E. Early Orders solicited for next Season, 1891-92. P.S.—See my Specimen Frame at Crystal Palace Photographic Exhibition.