The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (February 1892)

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Tho Optical Magio Lantera Jouraal and Photographio Enlarger. ve W. H. HUMPHRIES & GO, =r soos orasion rane » 268, UPPER ST., ISLINGTON, , vee LONDON, N. wee = Omnibuses and Trams from all parts pass Z be 5 the door. To = —— = 3 Bi-unials fram £6. Full-size Single LanB a es terns, 4-in. Condensers, from 303. On ; =e Tri-unials from £8 to £80. = > aes Q The Best and Cheapest House for Highry Ps Class Lanterns and Slides. a 7 a We lend Slides in any quantity at 1s. per doz. an Telegray Magic Lantern, Dissolying View, & Photographic Apparatus Makers, LANTERN SLIDES ON SALE OR HIRE. SLIDES ON HIRE. New Temperance Slides. A large stock of well-coloured Slides, care‘ully arranged in sets, suitTHE TEMPERANCE PICTURE -GALLERY. able for Complete Entertainyents. ‘Each set has a specially prepared Forty Slides, from superior drawines. illustrating various feats of endurreading, and an attractive title. ‘(he selections having been made by ance and hard work, accomplished in all climates without alcohol. those who have had many years’ experience in Lantern Lecturing to THE LITTLE CAPTAIN. oung and old, will be found t Ily useful to all engaged in such . " ; P ‘ 3 ¥ Wok. many rer hant Rad Saad te choose Shake Bibjects: A series of Twenty-four beautiful Pictures, illustrating the touching and popular story by Lynde Palmer. SETS OF 60 AND UPWARDS FOR 4s. 86 FOR 3s. ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY. ae : . a ot . Twelve Slides, showing the injurious effects of Intoxicating Drinks on Societies arranging for Six Hirings this Season may have the various organs of the body, and on health and life generally. THE SIXTH SET WITHOUT CHARCE FOR HIRE. ! Vhe above have been prepared in superior style by the United King Each Hiring must amcunt to not less than 3s. for the Slides. dom EO ene, pe Cl el ag those May be sent Cheaply and Safely by Post. Plain... .. 12/per doz.; Smaller numbers, 1/3 each Lanterns d& other apparatus at the most reasonable prices. | Well Coloured eae Pte Feunge wane 2/6-ench Complete Catalogue of Slides (400 pages), with classified index, post free for 6d. Send for full Particulars to THE TRADE MANAGER, UNITED KINGDOM BAND OF HOPE UNION, 4, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. THOMASS COLLODIOBROMIDE SUBSTITUTE. PERFECT FOR WINDOW TRANSPARENCIES ) On finest Glass, Plain or Ground, STERO Ditto } Ordinary Thickness or Specially Thin. LANTERN Ditto On Specially Selected Thin, 1s. per doz. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS, OR AT OUR Central Depot, 10, Pall Mall, London, 8.W. Telegrams—RUHTRA, LONDON. Telephone No. 35087.