The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (February 1892)

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vi. The Optical Magio Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. W. WATSON & SONS, 313, High Holborn, London, MANUFACTURERS cr HIGHEST CLASS OPTICAL & SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS BI-UNIAL AND TRIPLE LANTERNS. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF FINEST THREE AND FOUb-WICK OIL LANTERNS, | PHOTOGRAPHIC WrEews, of Highest Quality and Efficiency. lllustrating a‘l parts of the World, R2/per dozen. p RA SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CAMERAS aici ca ae eae ae Saale ; For taking Lantern Pictures. An Illustrated Catalogue sent free to any address on application. Ask for Lantern List. N, LONDON. W. WATSON & SONS 313, HIGH HOLBORN, ESTABLISHED 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, FULWOOD’S RENTS, LONDON. it 251, SWANSTON ST., MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. FOR SUCCESSFUL SLIDE MAKING USE ONLY FRY’S LANTERN PLATES. é OF ATI. DBEALEARS. THE FRY MANUFACTURING CO., 5, CHANDOS STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, W.C. ’ Works—KINGSTON-ON-THAMES, Telegraphic Address—“ ENLARGEMENTS, LONDON. ” NEW OIL LIGHT OF VIVID BRILLIANCY. STOCKS'raText OIL LAMP For wacic canreane The Chairman, at a meeting of the London Lantern Society, held at Hanover Square, 26th November, 1891, said it was the Best Oil Lamp he had seen. Breechin Photographic Association, Nov. 19th, 1891.—Mr, Macite (Vice-President) in the Chair. He afterwards showed a selection of Lantern Sli:test> illustrate his piper. The Lantern Lamp used was STOCKS’ PATENT sii «kindly seut down by Mr. Stocks for exhibition. The general opinion was that the Lamp Was a considerable 1mprove ment on the ordinary form of paratfin Jamp.—Extract from Jirttish Journal of Photography, 27th November, 1891. Ww. STOCKS, Inventor, RYE, SUSSEX. z eae Go t F fe Ideas. | ee o, OLO for eee Or NEW feang SANDS, HUNTER & Co., Lectures, Stories, Poems, Dissolving View effects, or Comic subjects o producing negates ra eenaemeageen HeoDewwe Desens fo Photographic Apparatus and Lanterns, FRANK. WEEKS, NEW AND SECOND-HAND, BY ALL THE BEST MAKERS. Leading Artist-Draughtsman to the Trade, Lantern Slide Designer, : Lanterns and Operator let out for evening enterInventor and Maker. Established 1875. | tainments for children, &c. Terms Moderate. 21, Thorpa Rd., Forost Gate, London, 5, St. Eaicastace Send stamp for Price List and Circular. 20, Cranbourne +» Leicester quare, London, W.C. Prices for Lenshaving hood up: Ey (Min, 18/6 | 3 in., 27/6 es x 2 » 20/6 | 35 ,, 32/6 SBS 42h, 44, 32/6 Bt 8/2 4h, 42/6 4 5 ,, 47/6 HORNTON-|OICKARD “TIME” SHUTTER IS THE SIMPLEST AND THE BEST Tau 25/ Stereo. ‘‘ Time,” and Instantaneous, from 26/. THORNTON PICKARD . Manufacturing Co., St. Mary’s St., Deanggate, Manoisster Instantaneous from 11/6