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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (July 1892)

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L_ENSES—R. & J. BECK, 68, Cornhill, London. THE OPTICAL MAGIC LANTERN > JOURNAL. —— AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ENLARGER. A Magazine of Popular Science for the Lecture-room and Edited by J. HAY TAYLOR. the Domestic Circle. Paes an Vol. 3.—No. 38. JULY 1, 1892. Price 4d., Post-free 43d. PERKEN, SON & RAYMENT, “Sottcm'noer’ LONDON. ‘OPTIMUS. Each Magic Lantern is efficient for exhibitions, The Lens gives crisp definition, being a superior Achromatic Photographic Combination (large diameter back lens), with rack and pinion. It is fitted to a telescopic lengthening tube, so gaining increased focal accommodation. The Condenser is composed of two plano-convex lenses of 4 inchcs diameter. The refulgent. lamp has 3 wicks, (or 4 wicks 2s. extra,) yielding a brilliantly illuminated picture.-Each is complete in box. * d. THE MAGIC LANTERN: ITS CONSTRUCTION AND USE, Contains complete Instructions, Cloth covers, PRICE 6 N PLATES. a LANTE LANTERN PHOTOGRAPHS, 12s. per doz. PLAIN, See Ne: J h 18s. 6d. per doz. () Fe a : =. Wa ls COLOURED. ian Iron Bod P Russian | si oe “ =H foomiied Mai | Romance nel: | BeGeale ste | eee oes gee | Gaunt _—= = ; Brass Sliding Tubes, | Brass Sliding Tubes,! Stages, Sliding Tubes, | Post FREE. pa ioe eacis s. : 45s. 50s. ; | 82s. . b] j OPTIMUS ” si-uniac LANTERN FOR LIME-LIGHT. OPTIMUS’ teHce LANTERN. Q) Panelled Mahogany Body, 4 doors and moulded foot, Achromatic The Top Lantern may be used separately with Oil Lamp. Photographic Front Lens, Compound Condensers Panelled Mahogany Body, 6 doors and moulded foot, Brass Stages Brass Stages and Sliding ‘Tubes... isi . £8 8 and ‘lubes, Achromatic Front Lens, Compound Condensers... £14 10 eg ea ee ne ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE, (ee iier ir part payment) COST. SALE PRICE. Oo EDWA Mahogany bi-unial 4in. condensers, brass fronts, jets, dissolver, &c., in case Se .. £1818 .. £11 15 Ditto with extra sets lenses, lengthening tubes, various fittings (superior), in case . % 0 . 1617 6 Single Mahog. body, with 4in. condenser, double pinions, 4-wick lamp, brass stages, &c.,in caso 5 5. 315 6 Ditto with 4 cylinders (in separate case) triple rack, 6 pinions, for lime-light eq. WQT2. ws 913 0 Ditto tin front, 2in. diam. portrait objectives, s.p. £2 10s. do. do. 1 door at back a o 2 2 0 Pair old style japanned lanterns, 3}in. condensers, 4-wick lamp, 2 jets, dissolver, &c. _ 315 0 Pair Mahogany body do. 4in. condensers, rackwork fronts, 2 lime-light jets and dissolver — 415 0 Lantern, fitted with a Kalcidoscope, complete, with slide, full size 315 0 BA 9x9 Screen, 12/9, 10x 10, 15/6, 11x11, 20/-, 12x12, Q1/-. 11x11, Screen framc poles and brass tubing, 10/9 Linen Screen, 10 x 10, 28/9, 12 x 12, (new) 38/9, 16 x 16, 58/9. Enlarging lantern, 4in. condenser, 4-wick lamp, portrait lenses, complete, 36/ Twenty-four Suiters’ Regulators, 13/9 each. Gauges, 13/9. Couplings, 4/9 per set. Twenty new tested steel cylinders, complete, 20ft., 40ft., 60ft., and SOft. . Fifty jets, all kinds, from 6/-each. 10 dissolvers (6-way pattern). : Gas Bags (unused) pressure boagds, retorts, purifiers—state wants, all in perfect order and condition. ‘SALV1d OILVINOYHOOSI! oz Particulars of Effect and other SLIDES in next month’s issue. “wa WILKINSON & CO., Wholesale & Retail Lantern & Slide Makers, HOLMESIDE, SUNDERLAND. ESTABLISHED 1859. TELEGRAMS—' OXYGEN, SUNDERLAND.” ? A LANTERN AS A PRIZE. sine.