The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (July 1892)

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iv. Tho Optioal Magio Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. W. WATSON & SONS, 313, High Holborn, London, MANUFACTURERS of HIGHEST CLASS OPTICAL & SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS BI-UNIAL AND TRIPLE LANTERNS. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF FINEST THREE AND FOUR-WICK OIL LANTERNS, PHOTOGRAPHIC VWiEwsS, of Highest Quality und Efficiency. Illustrating all parts of the World, 2@/per dozen. LANTERN TRIPODS, GAS APPARATUS, SCREENS, | SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CAMERAS AND SCREEN STANDS. For taking Lantern Pictures. An Illustrated Catalogue sent free to any address on application. Ask for Lantern List. W. WATSON & SONS, 318, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. ESTABLISHED .9, 10, 11, 16,17, FULWOOD’S RENTS, LONDON. teats . 251, SWANSTON ST., MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. SPECIAL. Grand Magic Lanterns, with 4in. Compound Condensers and 3-wick Lamps, 24s. ; with 4-wick Lamps, 26s. Hand Painted Slides from 4d. ; splendidly Coloured, 34 Slides, in sets of twelve, price 3s., or four sets for 11s. Full size Changing Comic Slipping Slides, in mahogany frames, Td. each, or 6s. 6d. doz. Ragkwork Slides (including Chromatropes), 2s. 9d. each. Lever Action Slides, 2s. each. Best quality double-notion Interchangeable Chromatropes, 4s. 6d. ; extra discs (hand painted,) 1s. per pair. Reading Lamps with flash shutter, showing blue light signal, 23. 9d. he ‘‘ Lightning” Double Carrier Frames, 1s. 3d. Slides for small Lanterns, fron 5d. per doz. New Catalogue Gratis and Post Free. ROBERT HH. CLARE, ROYSTON, HERTS. TRANSPARENT VARNISH COLOURS OXYGEN FOR LIMELIGHT. FOR PAINTING LANTERN SLIDES. The Birmingham Oxygen Company, Limited, BRILLIANT, PERMANENT, EASY TO USE. SALTLEY WORKS, BIRMINGHAM. 1s, per bottle; Diluting Varnish ls.; Full Set 15s. | Sole Licensees for the Manufacture of Oxygen Ly the Brin’s process in the Midlands. A. W. ScorT, 401, COWBRIDGE ROAD, CARDIFF | Price Lists and Trade Terms on Application. WALTER A. GRIFFITHS & CO., Limited, Manufacturers of the Patent GUINEA DETECTIVE CAMERAS. Lantern Slide, Enlargement, and other Cameras. List post free on application. Depot—5, UNION PASSAGE, BIRMINGHAM. General Stores of Photographic Materials and Apparatus. Works—-HIGHGATE SQUARE, BIRMINGHAM. Dee oie gy; The FRY MANUFACTURING Co., 5, Chandos St., Strand, Wholesale Provincial Agent -W. TYLAR, 57, High Street, Aston, Birmingham Crown 8vo, Cloth; 278 pp. Price 3/6. THE BOOK OF THE LANTERN. BY WD &. Bee wor Der, Ef .C.sS. A Practical Guide. to the Working of the Optical (or Magic, Lantern—either as an Educational Instrument, for Exhibition Purposes, or as an Enlarging Apparatus for Photographers, With Full and Precise Directions for Making and Colouring Lantern Pictures London: Hazell, Watson, & Viney, Ltd., 1, Creed Lane, E.C.