The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (July 1892)

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v. “ oe Tho Optical Mario Lantern Journal and Photographio Enlarge 9/ot 'duawy roBsery “leg 8 aga fdetey] HOIM-p 'guorg ‘sg gf ‘ wnt0g radveq9 ey ‘Oya. AUIVT YOIM-8 9/01 14-¥ 9/1 d-§ -/¢ 1d-§ “zOp P 208 WL UT Aqny daa ro Aqny ‘vuyoy asagq ‘srAstapmod Ip UVTAL "SOL LLF ns gyatduog ed1ty Anon owMoOINOY ‘s1asUu9pUOD ‘Up YUM ‘SULIT JO S®At}edeN 30,7 AOT[IA AINA BSB PASN aq UBD mre UeT «¢ WUIS[IOXT , aah USL Tan ML Aqyend asta | § eo peeouny ‘ulayavyT swoR oy 8.1O,SvOUsT ‘Qneyeg) ‘dwey z eon e pue AORN ey s t9q880U8T ¢ — XD[BIQNY,, MAN S,10}SBOUBT -/29% « oe -/018 “ tee ce +/681 “ see rT -/291 “ ve “ “ “ -/96t Aqtyenb ys StasuapUvg ‘UID INT AA “UTA TUR] 7/89 -oya‘szosTOpIOD TIS THEA Susu Aum gshd < pot hdd » OUL “useqaeL Bays1vlug , AS SCOUN Las ouL | GONTATTUL 010 ‘GNUALNV'T JO 091 ‘AONDAUNOA ‘AMUA LSOd ("Qsnivuvdd! O1HdYY9OLOHd jo ongo[n Wy SATA IOBI PUB PISS Arn =/98T O@ EFS -/SOT IT X ST ‘Joss 1d-4 -/gc 1d-F _ -/sot 10-4 “/89 BEX ET -/09 OLX ST /ZP 8X OL “198 1d-t gag oyrdN0g Ajuend sen [eroodg auqyxg y LUSL ULL ‘ONITIIHS ONO ‘NAY LSOd ‘apo “S'O'" ‘ugusvonvy ‘ep cM Ag «UAHdVYIOLOHd YNALVAY 1N4SS390NS V 38 OL MOH,, ‘ANYSNOH], HULL pay ee Ausav[UG 10 nog s olqSBOURT | /18 1G-% ‘xoqqgnyg pur sna] ‘apg ‘vlog -/98 1d-F -/09 2 -/98 10-F OAIBT-UE-WNZ[D IY yy : “(queyeg Ops Wojuvy s,tajsvoury ‘rrewlnD SPELT» T68L ouL “Hoot 1 -/08 14-€ -/09 td-4 “logy d-$ -/n0t th-€ -/05 14-¥ oot AE -/oot a-F -/og 1d-¥ “/9et TdF -/8 1G -/ee dE = -/0G TEE -J09 TEE O/Te TEE -/e9 1d -/ee dF “1a WE "puwyg io sua] ON *(quazBd) *(:0048q) “‘punog-ssurg ‘(quaqeg) wierd *(quaqrg) *(quaqed) ‘(queyeg) BIOMED Tepood sy, 1681 oud , TeUO}}BUIOFAT 49 Test OU —--oyawYsuT THOOdY,, T68l UL —« pee ’ Meda oul “ ae Ty Tol UL, aan eT 5, L6SI aut, ne i} n00'g) J0 ‘oni NOM at Ul snyeueddy oiqdesgojoyg Jo S1oHeW yasIe] I] | NYHONINMIG ‘suetondg ‘NOS 8% UYALSVYONWI SHAW