The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (July 1892)

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5 W. | TY LAR’S REFLECTING HAND LANTERNESCOPE, For viewing Lantern Slides. PRICE 12s. 6d. Of all Dealers; or free by post, 18s., from W. TYLAR, 67, HIGH STREET, ASTON, BIRMINGHAM. oe oe Square Cr. Svo, cloth, G8 ILLUSTRATIONS, 2s. 6d. THE OPTICS o* PHOTOGRAPHY AND PHOTOGRAPHIC LENSES. J. TRAILL TAYLOR. “One interested in the subject cannot invest 3s. 6a. to greater advantage than by procuring a copy of this work.” — Optical Magic Lantern Journal, “ Anoxcellent guide, of great practical use.”—Wature. « Byon a beginner may, with a little attention, soon grasp all the salient points of the subject, of which it need scarcely be said Mr. Traill Taylor is a master.’’— English Mechanic. London: WHITTAKER & Co., Paternoster Square. SHEW’S UNIVERSAL HAND CAMERA. AS SHOWN AT THE CONVENTION This Camera has been constructed for the purpose of enabling the operator to use Glass Plates, cut films back being so made that Double Backs for glass or for film or roll-holders a OF 1891. . : , or the continuous rolls of films at will, re interchangeable in one fitting. It hasrising and sliding front and good range of focus for different lenses. The quarter-plate size, fitted with Eclipse Lens and Instantaneous Shutter patent three Double Backs for Glass Plates or four for cut films, Focussing Screen and Eclipse Finder, complete, £6 10s. complete with fitt £8 10s. sures £9 5s. The quarter p (for pictures 4} Or fitted with Eastman Roll-holder for 4S Exposures instead of Double Backs, inches. J. F. SHEW & CO., 87 & 88, NEWMAN NEWTON & Coa., Scientific Instrument Makers to Her Majesty the Queen, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, The Admiralty, The War Department, The Indian and Foreign Governments. oe _ By Special Appotntutent To The Royal Institution of Great Britain, and The Science and Art Department, &c., MANUFACTURE OPTICAL LANTERNS & SLIDES Of the Highest Quality only. Sore Maxers OF The Patent ‘Refulgent’’ Lamps. Wright's Lantern Micraseapea, Wright’s Oxy-Hydrogen Jets with “Pringle cut off.” The ‘‘ Miniature ” Lanterns. The “Scientists” Bi-unial. The Triple Rotating Electric Lantern, &c. Illustrated Catalogue with Detailed List of Slides, 4d. 3, FLEET STREET, LONDON. “Optical Projection,” 2nd Edition, by Lewis Wricur. A complete | Guide to the use of the Magic Lantern, the Lantern Microscope, Polari; scope, and to the projection of Scientific Experiments. Nett, 4s. 6d. The half-plate size, as in thequarter-plate Or fitted with Rollholder for JS. expo 3},) has a range of focus from 2k to 7 inches, and measures closed 7} by 53 by 53 The half-plate size (for pictures 63 by 43) has a range of focus from 3 to 84 inches, and ieasures closed 9 by 6 by 7 inches THE CAMERA ALONE | supplied with one double back for pictures. 4} by 33, £2 17s. 6d 6} by 43, £3 58, STREET ( ), LONDON, W. TO THE SLIDE TRADE, PUBLISHERS, AND OTHERS. All who wish to make Photo Slides from Drawings, &c., for Lantern Entertainments for Coming Season, Try the OLD FIRM. Mr. FRANK WEEKS, RTIST-DRAUGHTSMAN, DESIGNER, INVENTOR AND Leading SPECIALIST in DESIGNS For Producing Photo-Slides of every known form or pattern. Dissolving Views, Mechanical Effects or Plain Slides, Lectures, Tales, Poems, Songs, or Comic Subjects, any Nationality or Period illustrated by artistic and accurate drawings specially made for producing Nogatives and Slides. Slides or Drawings produced from your own rough sketches and ideas. F. W. will be pleased to treat with Firms and Societies for Original Novelties in above. 24, Thorpe Road, Forest Gate, London, E. ESTABLISHED 1875. ings late by 1 t Four doors from OXFORD STREET Plain Photographic Slides, 12s. per dozen. Send Stamp for Particulars and Price Circular. Printed and Published for the Proprietors by WooprorD Fawoetr & Co., Dorset, Works, Salisbury Square, E.C,