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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (August 1892)

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HERE ave hundreds of both amateur and professional photographers who made fairly successful Stereoscopic Slides before I came on the scenes, and who have cut and transposed hundreds of stereo prints without knowing the reason why they had to be so treated. ‘Ithe fact that the prints must be cut and transposed was enough for them, and they did not bother further m the matter. On the other hand, there were others who used to bother a very great deal, and some of these gentlemen invented theories and principles of their own, and they talked and wrote for publication their ideas, which in any instances lead others astray and caused erious trouble. Stereoscopic Photography is, without doubt, he most beautiful and fascinating branch of he ‘‘art science’’ for amateurs to pursue, but ith imperfectly constructed or cobbled up apparatus, on unscientific principles, there are few things more unsatisfactory; on the other hand, by suitable appliances, the whole thing is delightful auc easy. From Negatives taken by my Camera (in which the centres and conditions will be technically correct) Stereo Transparencies may be printed by my Stereo Printing Frame without any cutting or trouble in transposing. In fact, the whole is so systematically arranged that it is difficult to get wrong, and it is easy to make a dozen good Stereo Transparencies from a dozen different negatives in a single evening. But so much cannot be said truthfully for Lantern Slides by anybody, because the same technical excellence, exposure, and development necessary for Lantern Slides is not required for the Stereoscope. The chief thing to observe in printing Stereo Transparencics is to expose long enough, and develop far enough, remembering thata flat picture, and what would be called over dense for a Lantern Slide, even if a little fogged, is a decided advantage for the Stereoscope. THE STEREOSCOPIC MANUAL, id. Post Free. STEREOSCOPIC CATALOGUE, Two Stamps. A FEW WORDS HAND CAMERAS. Dear Reaper,—Did you ever know a cyclist to be satisfied with his ‘“‘ Machine” for more than a year? My experience of cyclists is, that they are always changing, and it is quite amusing to hear their arguments in favour of every new machine they get. Well, it is just about the same with Hand Camera men—or worse. I never knew a man yet who was satisfied with a Magazine Hand Camera for more than a season. Of course, they were delighted when they got their last ‘latest novelty,” and sang its praises for a week or two; then something goes wrong, and they wish to part with it to get another of a different pattern. But how is it that the same thing does not apply in the case of ordinary C:meras? Why, because there is no bother with magazines or trouble with unnecessary complications. When a man buys a good Half-plate or a Whole-plate Camera he is usually satisficd for years, his only trouble then is the weight ; but with one of my Patent Cameras and Barnett’s Dark Slides for Half-plates he has no trouble at all, for he knows he has the lightest practical camera on earth. J'or further particulars see Catalogue. Dark Slides are, without doubt, the most practical of all plate holders, though the English patterns arc far too heavy and clumsy, and when they are well made, as they ought to be, they are frightfully expensive ; indeed, they are made to-day without the slightest improvements on those of thirty-five years ago. My Practical Hand Camera is not a magazine, nor is it a fixed focus. It is provided with a perfect double rack and pinion movement, focus index, and a focussing screen, which latter may be used or left at home. Plates or films may be used with equal advantage, no sheaths or paper backing to bother with; you can go out with just as many piates as you wish—say two or three, half a dozen, or twenty, if you like. The Camera may be used in the hand for Snap Shots, or on a Tripod for time exposures like any ordinary Camera. Any suitable lens may be used in it, but the one which I supply is a Rapid Doublet equal to any in the market. The Shutter is Kershaw’s Patent, adjustable for speed. PRICE: Quarter-plate Size, without Lens, 60s. With Lens and View Meter, complete, £4 10s. Stereoscopic Size, £4, Lenses extra. Hand Camera Pamphlet Free per Post. ARY'S ST, MANCHESTER.