The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (October 1893)

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162 The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. For regulating the turning of the lime, a spring click is provided. This anti-glare jet can easily be fitted on all commercial lanterns. In the illustration, the jet is a mixed one, but the same adjustments are applicable to either the blow-through or eth-oxo-light. ‘ ALLENDALE’ LANTERN. Tis lantern, which has been introduced by a wholesale optician, whose trade mark and tele graphic address is “ Loviathan, London,” is being rapidly stocked by retail dealers in lantern apparatus. The lantern, which is provided with a tripod stand, has a jet totally different from those usually fitted to lanterns, the gas connections being from underneath and through the base-board of the instrument. The back being made solid no stray light is permitted to stream out from behind. It is, however, the slide changing and “dissolving” arrangements to which we would call special attention, as they are of a most complete, ingenious, and compact order, with little or no chance of failure. The slide carrier is pivottcd in the centre, the slide being inserted right-way up, at the upper reThe whole of the changing is effected ceptacle. by the moving of one lever placed on top. When this is moved towards the operator the translucent cut-off is lowered behind the lens, and at the same time this lever engages in a ; notch in the pivot of the slide holder, which quickly turns it end for end, thus placing a slide in position for projection. By moving the same lever slightly back again, the cut-off is lifted slowly, revealing the picture as from a mist. The plate holding the attachment, and which is held in place by the four milled heads shown, is | provided with a spring, which has a tendency to keep it towards the condenser. If it is desired to use framed slides all that is necessary is to slide this plate forward and insert them in the space thus provided in front of the condenser, This lantern is also made with a bellows front for enabling any focus of lens to be employed. The lantern door, it will be seen, opens upwards and is provided with two hinged wings; this affords a good means for the operator or lecturer to reads his notes or lecture. : (To be continued.) Oo: | Editorial Table. ‘ArT OF PROJECTION AND Magic LANTERN Manvab.” | —This work, which has been written under the guidance of Mr. W. C. Hughes, and published by E. A. Beckett, 111-3, Kingsland Road, is one which will prove of great interest. Commencing with the early introduction of the lantern, which occupies a few pages, we come to a treatise on oil illumination, followed by oxy-calcium, and other jets. The mode of connecting the tubing to the ; jets of bi-unials and triples, and the methods of dissol ving, are dwelt upon at some length. Following this, several pages are devoted to registration, and the manner of manipulating effects. The optical principles of condensers and objective is set forth in plain language. Particulars respecting the making of oxygen and hydro | gen are given, also many details connected with the employment of gas from cylinders, Quick changing carriers—a subject to which Mr. Hughes has for years devoted attention—are prominent, Many forms of scientific lanterns are described, and much valuable information given thereon, but on pagr 138 the author is under a misapprehension in advocating the use of a lantern and objective for illuminating a large negative, from which to make an enlargement for as described and illustratnd, the rays of light will divirge and only the rays passing through the centre of the negative can be utilised. Instruction in making and painting slides completes this interesting work of 170 pages. This book is finely {printed, and nicely bound, and should find a place in the library of all interested in lantern matters. ‘The price is 3s. 6d. Curtain Surpg.—We have received a fine drawing of an original curtain slide from Mr. F. F. Weeks, 21, Thorperoad, Forest Gate. This we shall reproduce, about six inches square, and hope to publish it in our next issue, as Mr. Weeks has consented to present the design to our readers. To photograph this design, and reproduce in lantern slide form, will be an easy matter for our photographic readers, whilst those who cannot do this for themselves can get it done ut no great cost. As it will be improved by colouring, we can refer those interested to the advertisements of artists to be found in our advertising pages. We may observe that Mr. Weeks has for some years past been making the designs for many of the leading houses that deal in slides. VALENTINE'S SLIDES AND CATALOGUE.—Messrs. Valentine and Sons, 154, Perth-road, I»undee, have sent us a parcel of slides of New Zealand, they being a sample of the numerous sets detailed in their catalogue. The slides are very brilliant, and contain a wonderful amount of fine detail, even in the deep shadows, In their catalogue we find particulars of sets referring to trips to many interesting towns, cathedrals, and rivers; also paiticulars of slides relating to flowers, fisher-life, and religious subjects. Humorous and artistic subjects are also to be found in this catalogue, a copy of which we | would advise our readers to apply for.