The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (June 1894)

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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and em Enlarger. T ransparencies OF THE FINEST QUALITY, MADE BY THE COLLODION PROCESS. STEDMAN & SOPER T. H. SOPER.) (FRED. J. STEDMAN Professional Mark. In answer to many Inquiries, please note address Bsc 0 Ww. R. HILL & SON, OPTICAL SCENIC ARTISTS to tho Royal Polytechnic a Institution since 1840 (by special appointment). also the London and Provincial Theatres, Colleges and Institutes, &c. ORIGINALLY CHILDE & HILL, Sole Inventors of Dissolving Views & Effects & Chromatrope, Introducers of the Lime-lght on to the Stage (Drury Lane, 1855). Speciality in first-class phuto colouring with original and striking sky effects. New Errecrt Sets.—Statue of Liberty—God of the Harvest— Monte Carlo—Fiery Cascade (N.Z.)—Bombardment of Algiers— Mount Tourbitlon—Thunder Peak, &c. ROYAL POLYTECHNIC (ILoxbon, June, 1878). “ The final illustration represents the parachute shell, which, being fired from a mortar at night, bursts in the air and eflectuaily lights up the country. This elect, which is by Mr. W. Hive, and beautifully rendered, brings a most instructive ae to a close.” —Morning Advertiser. “« The audience is startled by the wonderful effect of the parachute shell...... such as the original...... a clever imitation.”—7 times. 13, Beversbrook Rd., Tufnell Park, London, N. Price 2d. Marvellously Illustrated. 3/-per Annum. Post Free. PERCY LUND & Co., The Country Press, Bradford AND MEMORIAL HALL, LONDON. Somerset Studio, 3 447, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. SS. FS SSO Editors, H. SNOWDEN WARD and CATHARINE WEED WARD Monthly, Threepence. Subscription, 43. 6d. per annum, The PHOTOGRAM, Ltd., 6, Farringdon Avenue, E.G. Leen Ee ALFRED H. SAUNDERS, Lantern Slide Artist, “ The Studio,” 36, Heath Street, BIRMINGHAM, Makes Slides from Lecturers’ Diagrams, Engravinga, Negatives, &c., by Wet Collodion Proceags only. Artiatic Colouring A apeciality. Terms and Teatimonials an application. Always Purchase Goods froma Practical Man If you want first-class LANTERNS Send to CONDENSERS ip sles tenses =| NORTON LIMES 38, SLIDES M archmont Street aaa i pe Russell Sq., London, W.C. ; Lanterns Renovated or Adjusted on the shortest notice Entertaiment pes rovided in_ Town ne aaa WRIT D STATE YOUR WA And they shall receive PROMPT ATTENTION. WOOD'S LANTERNS AND SLIDES ON SALE OR HIRE. 100,000 Slides to Select from. PLAIN SLIDES, 12s. per doz. The ‘ EUPHANERON’”’ LANTERN, with the four-wick W Lamp, £4 4s. The “CHEAP” LANTERN, with 4-in. Condenser and three wick Lamp, £1 10s. “MAGIC LANTERNS: How Made and How Used,” by A. A. WOOD, post free, 1s. 2d. Wood's New List of Slides and Lanterns. Post-free for One Stamp. Hm. G. Wood, 74, CHHAPSIDE, LONDON. And HORNE, THORNTHWAITE & WOOD, 416, STRAND, LONDON, W.C.