The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (August 1894)

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EDWARDS ee eee PLATES. THE OPTICAL — JOURNAL —— AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ENLARGER. A Magazine of Popular Science for the Lecture-room and Edited byJ.Haytavtor. tle Domestic Circle. [suationcrs Han, Vol. 5.—No. 63. ~ AUGUST 1, 1894. Price 1d., Post-free 2d. J. Tray Tayror, in British Journal of Photography, says :‘‘ Messrs. Perken, Sou, and Rayment claim to have produced a triple-wick oil lamp, in which the luminosity is equal to ONE HUNDRED CANDLE POWER—while the light is very pure, and the heat less than usual. We have heen present at trials made with it, and find their allegations as to PURITY and INTENSITY OF FLAME are maintained.” T. Boras, in Photographic Work, says:—‘‘ The Optimus 100 Candle Power Oil Lamp the light certainly surprised us. . . The brightness—and above all the whiteness—of the disc recalling a lime light... Amateur Photographer, Nov 10, 1893. —* Messrs. Perken, Son, and Rayment, of 99, Hatton Garden, have just introduced a great improvement in oil-lamps, which will be warmly welcomed by all who use this form of illuminant. From the diagram it will be seen that central as well as side air shafts are provided, and with the ¢ greater supply of air iscombined greater illumination and greater freedom from | smell. We have had an opportunity vof sev erely testing this lamp against some of ; of the best ordinary forms, and the increase in illumination is at least three times. | The whiteness of the light is so much increased that this should be :: useful for enlar ging.’ By means of air shafts enormous increase of brilliancy is secured (which has 5 ~been computed to equal three times the candle power of the refulgent lamps “Optimus” 1893-4 Patent Lamp hitherto sold with magic lanterns—rzde Report of Meeting, Bristol Photographic for Projection Lantern. Association, Feb. 24, 1893). 3-wicks. 2-in. wide, with chimney 25/each. PERKEN, SON & RAYMENT, °::"c2s" LONDON. “OPTIMUS. MAGIC LANTERNS and SLIDES. Walter Tyler's Helioscopic is perfection of all Lanterns, supplied to the Indian Government,-School Koards, science classes, clergy, and exhibitors throughout the world. Impossible to have lanterns give better definition or more satisfactory results ; y stecially constructed lens, which no other lantern possesses. 2 Walter Tyler’s Best’ Triples and Ei-unials are unsurpassed, and perfect in every detail.. Good Hi-unials, mahogany bodied, brass fronts, and all improvements, £7 10s. Single Lantern with 4-in. condensers, portrait front lens, 4-wick-lamp, complete i in case, 27s. 6d. Regulators and Gauges.—Great reduction in price. The largest stock of Gas Cylinders in England. Lest seamless steel, tested and valved, all sizes at very low prices. Oxygen or Hydrogen Gas, of best quality and specially low prices, in Walter ‘I'yler’s or customer's own cylinders. Lanterns and Slides.—If you wish to Hire, Purchase, or Exchange, you cannot do better that go to Walter Tyler, who makes this business & specialité, and you will thus save dealer's and all intermediate profits. Bi-unial Lanterns,—If you are in want of a really good Bi-unial Lantern, erie; in every respect, call] and see Walter Tyler's entire brass-fronted, mahogany-bodied, lined with Russian iron, and fitted with new best quality lenses, and sold at a most moderate price. The top lantern will take a 4-wick lamp. These are great bargains. HIRE DEPARTMENT is now perfect. Over 300,000 always in stock. Second-hand Lanterns & Slides. WALTER TYLER, 48, Waterloo Road, LONDON. EDWARDS LANTERN PLATES.