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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (July 1895)

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110 The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. 211 contains an extract from the OpricaL Maaric Lantern Journa of February, and on page 217 another extract from the same source. The source from which these are taken is not acknowledged; but as on a previous occasion an article taken from our pages was only acknowledged three or four months afterwards, perhaps we may read in the September number of the Australian Journal that the information was taken from the Optican Maaic JuanTERN JourRNAL of last February. * K id We have received a note from Mr. Y. Jsawa, Editor of The Shanshin Sowa, stating that in future a portion of that photographic journal will be printed in English, in connection with which department Prof. W. K. Burton has promised his aid. Hitherto we have had to be content with looking at the pictures of our contemporary, as our education respecting the Japanese language has been somewhat neglected. But the number just to hand, containing a portion printed in English, proves of great interest. Lhe Shanshin Sowa is published at 18, Nichiome Minami Sakumachio, Shiba, Tokyo, Japan. i * Tue Home Secretary has at last taken up the subject of compressed gas in cylinders, and has appointed the following committee, Prof. C. VY. Boys, Prof. H. B. Dixon, Dr. Dupré, Rev. C. I, Smith, and Prof. Unwin, to enquire into and report on the manufacture, filling, and use of gas cylinders. A preliminary meeting was held at the Home Office on the 24th inst., and it is expected that within a month visits will be paid to certain works and the report completed. * In their catalogue of lantern slides for the coming season, Messrs. Newton & Co. intend adding at least two thousand subjects (scientific and otherwise) to their already large list. Mr. Hapwearp Muysrinar has announced that during the season extending from October next until March, 1896, he proposes to give a series of lectures in Great Britain, on ‘‘ The motion of the Horse and other animals, in Nature and in Art,” illustrated with forty new Zoopraxiscopic projecting discs. His works on Animal Locomotion are so well known that it is perhaps unnecessary to say that the analysis of movements by Llectro-Photography, and the synthetic reproduction of those movements, originated with him during his preliminary researches in California in 1872; since that time, under the auspices of the University of Pennsylvania, his attention has, almost exclusively, been devoted to the subject. ae bod AR THERE is a clause in the New Zealand Option Bill providing that every man convicted of being an habitual drunkard shall be photographed at his own expense, and every publican in the district in which he lives supplied with a copy. * te te In recognition of the pleasant outing to which Mr. Walter Tyler invited 120 of his friends (as reported in our last issue), an illuminated and framed testimonial has been presented to him in the name of his guests. The testimonial contains at the foot the names of the subscribers * % a Mr. C. W. Locxt, whose name has long been associated with the firm of Messrs. D. Noakes & Son, of Greenwich, has dissolved partnership with that firm, and has entered into business at 244, Tottenham Court Road, as a maker and dealer in lanterns and apparatus pertaining thereto. On 20th ult., Mr. Locke exhibited by means of one of his new instruments at the Royal Albert Hall, on a screen 374 feet square, with excellent results. ——:0:——— Convenient Method of Raising or Lowering a Jet. In a letter recently received from Mr. R. W. J. Leicester, of Gawler, South Australia, he informs us of a convenient method he has adopted for raising or lowering the jet of his lantern. The addition to the jet can be readily made by one handy with tools, and failing that, the cost of alteration would be very little and could ' be carried out in a short space of time. The following sketch needs little explanation. The end of the supporting rod (a) must have a screw cut on it and on this the nut (B) turns. (c) is a circular shoulder which is soldered to the top of the tube of jet. The nut (B) must be cut away so that there is left room for the free