The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (July 1895)

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iv. The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. THE VANNECK HAND CAMERA Is the best for Snap-Shot Work. Fitted with Rapid Rectilinear Lens with Iris Diaphragm ; and with Finder, on which the full size of image is shown, and can be exactly focussed, thus securing perfectly sharp negatives. LANTERN SLIDE Size (3} by 3}) fitted with Eastman Roll Holder, carries 70 Exposures, price £9. Magazine for 12 Plates, extra 1 10s. Also made 3-Plate Size, for 12 Plates, £9 9s.; Ditto, for 24 Cut Films, £10 7s. W. WATSON & SONS, OPTICIANS TO H.M. GOVERNMENT, 313, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. RIN'S OXYGEN To ensure good quality, buy only from the Brin Companies or their accredited Agents. ADDRESSES :— BRIN’S OXYGEN Co,, Ltd., 34, VICTORIA St., WESTMINSTER, 8.W. (Works—69, Horseferry Road, S.W. MANCHESTER OXYGEN Oo., Ltd., GT. MARLBORO’ St., MANCHESTER BIRMINGHAM OXYGEN Co., Ltd, SALTLEY WORKS, BIRMINGHAM. CHE OYER 3,000 SOLD. MARVELLOUS PAMPHENGOS Unquestionably the finest oil lighted lantern extant. Further improvements. Greater volume of light. Cannot be equalled or surpissed. WHY IS THE PAMPHENGOS SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS ?—Because it is carefully and scientifically constructed, and not made commercially and sold under a variety of nom de plumes. Because it’sa pure white light. Because the coniodal glasses resist heat and are proof against fracture. Because, being technical, you can do without dampers or chimney lengtheners, which are evils to be eschewed. Because lanternists, by experience, are finding its true value and know it to be reliable and safe. Because it gives agood 12 to 14 feet disc unparalleled (See testimonials and opinions of the Press), therefore will largely take the place of limelight and thus save the risk W4H2 2=) and danger of gas explosions. Do not have any other lantern or lamp than the MARVELLOUS PAMPHENGOS, a really superb, substantial and effective instrument. Waste not your money on inferior imitations, This has stood the test over fourteen years, and we can challenge comparison for purity of light, for ease in manipulation, and safety in use. Hundreds of testimonials. Supplied to Colleges, Institutions, Clergy and the Gentry. Particulars free. Prices.— Complete PAMPHENGOS, beautifully constructed with high-class lenses, £6 65., £& &s. and £2 10s., lamps £2 Zs., £1 10s. and £1 Is. each. MAGIC LANTERNS.—Cheapest and best. The HUGHES’ EXTRA SUPERIOR LANTERN Universal Lantern, 4-in. double condensers, portrait | OBJECTIVES, in cylindrical tubes to slide in 4, 6, lenses, rack and pinion, four-wick lamp, £1 5s. 6d. THE DOCWRA TRIPLE, Prize medal, highest award. Supplied to Dr. H. Guinness, Madame Adelina Patti, and the Royal Polytechnic, &c., &c. Mr. Hughes’ Grandly Illustrated Catalogue of Great Inventions in Optical Projections. Novelties and grand effects, not to be seen in any other Catalogue. Over 160 splendid wood engravings, not made up with commercial blocks from wholesale houses, but original, price 6d., postage 2d. Pamphlets free. List of 60,000 Slides, free, 4d. and 8 inch foci, 15s. each. Rack mounts, 15s. MINIATURE MALDEN TRIPLE. — A perfect Bijou model, ventilation perfect ; will carry the largest lenses, scientifically constructed. Supplied to B. J. Malden, Esq.; unparalleled results. farticulars free. ELEGANT MAHOGANY BI-UNIAL,; brass fronts, £6 tos.; blow-through safety jets, 8s. 6d.; mixed gas jet, 12s. 6d., with lime turners; 50 grooved boxes, 1s. 6d.; lecturer’s candle lamp, 3s. 3d. ww. CG. HUGHES, fPatentee and Specialist, BREWSTER HOUSE, MORTIMER ROAD, KINGSLAND, LONDON, N.