The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (July 1895)

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Vi. Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. The Cyclist and Tourist’s Comrade. SHUT. t™ PLAT FOLDING KODAK. ‘A new Folding Camera for Film. The lightest and most comepact camera made. Inconspicuous ; convenient to carry. Size of Picture, 4 by 5 inches. Size of Camera, only 34 by 63 by 83 inches. Weicht, loaded for 48 pictures, 3 lbs. 4 oz. Gives finest results. Great capacity. The lens is perfectly rectilinear and very rapid. The Rol! Holder has improved automatic register and locking” device, and new tension. Improved rack and pinion for focussing, and new adjustable shutter. Finest Workmanship. Covered with black morocco, and handsomely finished in mahogany and brass. Price £7 Os. Od. Manufactured solely by ; ‘ASTMA Photographic Materials. Co. Ltd., 115-117 Oxford St., London, Ww. a ee ee ROCHESTER, N.Y., U.S.Ass R 4 Place Vendome Eastman Kodak Co.