The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (July 1895)

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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. ix. THE DAVENPORT ROLLER GURTAIN SLIDE CARRIE SUITABLE FOR ANY LANIFERN WITHOUT ALTERATION. PRICE 7/6 ot a This Carrier is much admired by all who use it or see it working. CATALOGUES post free GRATIS. J.H. STEWARD, 6 222, S22 7, Gvacechurch St., London. to his own interests who, being a Lanternist, fails to possess himself of a Gopy of the FIFTH EDITION of 3/6 THE BOOK OF THE LANTERN. 3/6 By T. Cc. HEPWORTH, F.C.S. FIFTH EDITION JUST ISSUED. Published by HAZELL, WATSON, & VINEY; and to be had of all Booksellers. oh FOR DARK ROOM. LN) Cf \! i \ hl i . MOONLIGHT” I YAPOUR POCKET LAMP , = CHEAP ere a CLEAN NO DIRT!! SAFE NO S.ELL!!! INSTANTANEOUS LIGHTING! LASTS FOR EVER!! 7 _ Used always by all photographers who have of Matters Photographic, only to be found in sven it, also used for railway travelling, workie , | sbops, household purposes, &c. The Practical Photographer,” 2d. Monthly. eH / Price in Brass, 1/6; Plated, 2/-, post free. ij I Other Patterns.—Boudoir, Taper, Cycle Lamps, Marvellously Illustrated. i &c. Illustrated catalogues, free to readers of i the Mactc ate nie i ‘ Inventors and Sole Manuta ers— PERCY LUND & CO.. Memorial Hall, E.C. Pel!” MOONLIGHT LAMP COMPANY, LIVERPOOL. : : | x LIME-LIGHT USERS ! MORAN er SORSDE ARC LAMPS SPECIAL. i ATING Currents. Optical Lanterns, with 4-in. Compound Condensers, and ‘For DIRECT and ALTERNATING © Tyoee: Three-Wick Lamps, 22/-; with Four-wick Lamps, 24/-; Handois se Hand Feeding. painted Slides trom 4d.: Splendidly coloured 34 x 3} Slides in = Self-Striking & Hand sets of 12, price 2/6 per set; or tour sets for 9/6. Full-sized Feeding. Changing Comic Slipping Slides, in mahogany frames. The “Dot.” The only anto7d. each or 6/6 per dozen. Lever Action Slides from 1/6 snalic Arc Lani q ihe each, Rackwork Slides (including chromatropes) 2/6 each. market which fterall ordi. | BESt quality double motion Interchangeable Chromatropes ary Optical Lanterns on 4'3: extra Discs from 6d. per pair. “ Lightning" double-carrier nary <P Frames from 1/each. Slides for smali lanterns from Sd. per the lime-light tray without 5 re} any alterations dozen. New Catalogue gratis and post free. Invaluable for Theatrical pees, tener roe | ROBERT H. CLARK gS. tions, Enlarging, Printing, : 3 Ee and Photographing. Wibolesale Optician, Prices, Particulars, and Testimonials free on application to F. J. BORLAND, Sheepscar Grove, LEEDS. ROYSTON, HERHRTS.