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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (November 1895)

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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. _—_vii. Entire Revolution in the Manipulation of LATEST SEASON'S NOVELTIES. MAGIC LANTERNS. ere THE LATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. 1895 “ STAR” LIMELIGHT INVALUABLE TO LECTURERS, JET. (Patent.) FIFTY SLIDES CHANGED IN TWO MINUTES. COOL) DOCU The “LEVIATHAN” | Automatic and Science Lantern, , £°%« i ae (ALLEN’S PATENT.) | Lways USED. EY Simplex rah | Disgolving ser ye) Carrier. IAN” Extra Hard Limes. The ‘‘LEVIATHAN ” Lime Cartridges. In Glass Tubes. ‘‘One Lecture, one Lime.” The “LEVIATHAN " INTERCHANGEABLE CHROMATIC EFFECT SET. = Yo LEMATHAN: 2 A ALUMINIUM substituted for Brass. ed teed new pevlathan Copyright aur eonird wis e 8 sation. very Dealers Ou m. Price Complete 5 TWENTY GUINEAS. ; LIFE MOpvDELS. | EHatra Drawers, complete in Cabinet, Zis. . Temperance Alphabet .. .. .. .. 27 Slides. ; Lost in the Snow is, ae ' Dying Band of Hope Girl |. °|. ° 42 i Full Particulars can be obtained from the The Last Shilling .. 16 , A : Jessica's First Pr r (Revise ws ‘following appointed Accents :— ; Come Home, Mother ug = r ee ee 32 ” eae rete eee Relais tte Waterloo Road. | COMICS. nd every High-class Lantern Dealer. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE : JOHN WATSON, 34, | leche lt Aa al of Woe “ . % rainger Street. os oe oe ; ” GLASGOW : J. LIZARS, 101, Buchanan Street. ! Last Joke .. as ee 3 ve e 6 " =o pe ee South pay SECet: F DESCRIPTIWE. INBURGH : HAD W, 2, Maitland Street. CARDIFF: S. W. ALLEN, Exchange Buildings, Bute Docks. | Silmives of cousey wise ae ae LIVERPOOL: ARCHER & SONS, 43, Lord Street. | History of the Locomotive — 2 ae 24 Bia vise Daa ARMSTRONG & BROTHER, 28, ; Marvels of Modern Engineering id aie 6 eansgate. “ ve A. & B. FRANKS, gs, Deansgate. And numerous others. ONWARD PUBLISHING COMPANY, 125, Portland ; —__—_——— iv 3 Street. | TO THE TRADE ONLY:—Our 1895/6 Magic Lan LEEDS: PEARSON & DENHAM, s, New Station Street. BELFAST: J. LIZARS, 73, Victorin Street. | tern and Slide Catalogue (362 pages) free toDealers, BLACKBURN: S. & J. MITCHELL, 4o, Northgate. on recaipt of their Trade Card. Every Dealer HANLEY: J. MOORE, ro, Tontine Street. should have acopy. To be had of all Opticians and Dealers throughout the Country. Wholesale only from i- “LEVIATHAN,” LONDON.