The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (February 1896)

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xii. The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. SOPER & STEDMAN, Ikantern Slide Manufacturers & Colourists, -8 ]47, STRAND, LONDON, W.C, 26 First-elass Work. Brillianey in Tone. Gheap Prices. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. See also Aavcviceniens at foot of this page of our Slides illustrating Messrs. NETTLESHIP From Photographs taken by SPECIAL PERMISSION of the Home Office. & ROSE’S LECTURE, ‘Our Prisons and their J/nmates.”’ ALERED H, SAUNDERS, “The Studio,” 86, Heath Street, BIRMINGHAM. LANTERN SLIDE MAKER. (Wet Collodion I’rocess only.) Slides to illustrate Science and other Lectures made from Customers’ cwn Negatives or Diagrams. ARTISTIC COLOURING A SPECIALITY. Slides made from 9'per doz.; Coloured, from 6/per doz.; according to Styleand Quantity. Dissolving View Magic Lanterns and Slides Photographic Apparatus, Scientific Instruments and every description of miscellaneous property. M®: J.C, 8TEVENS begs to announce that he holds Sales of the above, every Friday, at balf-past twelve precisely, at his great Rooms, 88, King Street, Covent Garden, London. Gentlemen wishing to include property in these Sales are requested to send particulars one week prior to sale. A. KERSHAW, CANKERWELL LANE, LEEDS. Scientific Instrument Maker to University College, London ; Owen's College, Manchester ; KERSHAW’S Yorkshire College, Leeds, &c. Patent Centering Jets work toa thousand of aninch in centering from outside Lantern. Made to Gauges and Inter changeable, “C. P. Co., September 5th, 1895. pean S1r,—I am pleased to say that the Jet you sent me isa splendid instrument. It gives amost powerful light with oxy ether. In fact, isthe most powerful Jet 1 have ever seen, and is most suitable for use with Saturators.—Yours, etc., F.B.’ Blow-through Jets, 18s. Mixing Jets, 21s. Wholesale also from S. J, LEVI & Co., FARRINGDON ROAD, LONDON The prices of the Back Numbers of the Optical Magic Lantern Journal are at present as follows:— Postage extra. Vol. No. Vol. No. Vol. No. Vol. No. i 1..1 June 1889 2/6 1..10 March 1890 ld. 2 ..19 Dec. 1890 1d. 2... 28 Sept. 1891 2/6. \ 1..2 July ,, I/| 1.. 11 April ,, 6d. | 2.. 20 Jan. 1891 9d. | 2 .. 29 Oct. “Af 1..3 Aug. 3 1/1 .. 12 May » 2/6 2 .. 21 Feb. » 9d. 2... 30 Nov. si 2s 1..4 Sept. 6 1/2 .. 13 June » 2/6 2 ..22 March ,, ld. 2... 31 Dec. je Os li. 5 Oct. » Id. 2... 14 July sy os 2 .. 23 April » od. 3... 32 Jan. 1892 9d. 1..6 Nov. » Id. 2 .. 15 Aug. » 2/6 2... 24 May » 2/6 3 .. 33 Feb. » 6d. 1..7 Dee. » 1d. 2... 16 Sep. » 2/6 2... 25 June » 3d. 3... 34 March ,,_1/1..8 Jan. 1890 1d, 2 .. 17 Oct. » Id. 2... 26 July » 6d. 3 .. 35 April » 6d. 1.. 9 Feb. » Id. 2 .. 18 Nov. s Id. 2 27 Aug. » 6d. 3 .. 36 May » 3d. No. 37 & up to Date ld.. (Except No. 42, 1/-). THE UNIQUE LANTERN LECTURE, DESCRIBING “Our Prisons and their Inmates.’ Prepared and Delivered by HENRY W. NETTLESHIP and HAROLD ROSE, Tllustrated by over 60 Magnificent Photo Slides. (Taken by Special Pernvission cf the Home Office). By Messrs. SOPER AND STEDMAN, 147, STRAND. This is the ONLW Lecture extant that deals with and shows Photos of our Convict Prisons. CONVICTS At Work—At Recreation—In Chapel—In the Infirmary. Women in Prison, Babies in Prison, etc. For Terms, write— Henry W. Nettleship and Harold Rose, 61, Aldersgate Street.