The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (April 1897)

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WITH WHICH 1S INCORPORATED THE ‘“*LANTERN WORLD.” Vol. 8.No. 95. APRIL, 1897. Price 2d., le 32 3d. CONTENTS. PAGE Notes . a a a ee ee ee ee ee rae |) | Acotylene Gas .. 63 Prominent Men in the Lantern. World. “No. “VIL—Mr. A. A. Wood 64 Simple Method of Making Text Slides .. . : 65 tae The Lanternist's Practical Cyclopedia.—No. VI. os ee sx (66 More Fresh Lantern Slide Work.. . 67: Architecture as a Subject for Lantern ‘Slides. “No. Vv lL re Stage Scenery for Amateurs * Is Photography in Natural Colours Probable . a How to Choose an Acetylene Gas Generator for Lantern Work sa, 71 Oil—Incandescent Gas—. F pesiane oe eee, See oe chee eles New Apparatus ‘ Patent Intelligence. . 74 Correspondence 75 Editorial Table 76 Notes and Queries : i NOTICES. THE Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger is issued on the lst of every month, price One Penny, and may be obtained from all Newsvendors, Railway News Stalls, Photographic Dealers, or from the Publishers, at the following rates, post free :— 12 months, 2/6. United States, 75 cents. Exoxnanee Column, General Wants, &c. (not Trade)— First 20 words, 6d.; and for every 3 additional words, ld. : SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS must reach the office not later than the first post on the 24th of each month. All cheques and postal orders to be made payable to the Magic Lantern Journal Company, Limited. EpirorRiat communications must be addressed, J. HAY TAYLOR. Advertisements and business com munications to the Magic Lantern Journal Company, Limited, 9, Carthusian Street, London. E-C. American Agents :—The International News Co., 83 and 85, Duane Street, New York City. Slides of Nansen’s Polar Expedition.— : The public have been anxiously waiting to hear when Dr. Nansen’s set of slides was to be published. We have pleasure in stating that Messrs. Newton & Co., of 3, Fleet Street, E.C., have obtained the sole right to reproduce as lantern slides the pictures in ‘‘ Farthest North.” The slides used by Dr. Nansen at his own lectures were made for him by Messrs. Newton, and those now published are taken from the same negatives. A selection of 50 slides has been made, forming a fairly representative set, although 80 altogether are obtainable. Besides these, any other pictures in ‘“ Farthest North” can be supplied to order by Messrs. Newton & Co. The plain photographic slides are Qs. each, and the hand-painted slides from the coloured illustrations in the book are 8s. 6d. each. > ~ ~ New Act respecting the sale of Calcium Carbide.—On and after April 1st, certain ; restrictions are to be placed upon the sale and storage of calcium carbide, inasmuch as it is to be considered under the same heading as explosives, and must not be kept stored or sold,