The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (April 1897)

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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. v. g ANDS, HUNTER & Co., —SEHASON 1896-97. — Photographic Apparatus and Lanterns, | +, 1 ict f W W am |] 8 a NEW AND SECOND HAND, BY ALL THE BEST MAKERS. Lanterns and Operator let out for evening enterof New Slides tainments for children, &c. Terms Moderate. 20, Oranbourne St., Leicester Square, London, W.C. Is now ready, and will be sent on application. LI M E LI G HT E FF ECTS. To avoid disappointment, orders should be placed at once. THE DALTON COLD LACQUERS have only to be poured ona clear piece of glass. They dry at once. Transparent. Requires no heat. Used also for Metals. Can be had in 1a. bottles, also in sets of six 1-0z. bottles of selected colours, and one 2-02. bottle of crystal, G. W, WILSON & CO., Ltd., with which all colours can be reduced to shade crea: Price 4s. 6d., carriage paid. State colours desired. Trade Terms on . sy application.—_12, Norfolk Street, Ardwick, Manchester 2, St. Swithin’s Street, ABERDEEN. THE “INJECTOR” MIXED JET Patent 24761/93, Price 3O0Os. This is the only perfect Mixed Jet which can be worked with coal-gas taken direct from the town supply, and oxygen at high pressure from acylinder. It combines the full efficiency of a mixed jet with the safety, economy and convenience of a blow-through. Blow-through jets are quite superseded by it, An ordinary mixed jet which will produce any given candle-power when supplied with both gases under pressure will, when fitted with our Injector, give the same Power when taking its coal-gas supply from the house service-pipe. When required the jet can be worked with both gases taken from cylinders just as an ordinary mixed jet. All further particulars from— The MANCHESTER OXYGEN (rarer) Co., Ltd, Gt. Marlborough St, MANCHESTER. BRIN'S OXYGEN. For Limelight, Medical, Metallurgical, and other purposes. OXYGEN of Guaranteed Purity supplied in Cylinders of the Best BRITISH Manufacture, and complying with all the established Trade and Railway Regulations The public are respectfully informed that all Cylinders which are filled by the Brin nm Companies (whether their own or their Customers) are labelled with the Companies’ Trade Mark. S This label guarantees the purity of the Gas, and is a further guarantee that the Cylinder has 4 rf beon tested and proved sound in every respect by the Brin Company which hasfilled it. Customers who wish to procure Brix’s OxyGEN are requested to see that the Cylinders supplied to them bear this label, which is also stamped with the date on which the Cylinder was filled. The Works of the Brin Companixs are open during business hours to the inspection of their Customers, who are at liberty to test the quality of Gas being manufactured, and to watch hei i i i Registered their own Cylinders being tested and filled Phi eg tone. Price Lists of Gases, Cylinders, and all Accessories, can be obtained from the Company's accredited Agents, or will be sent Post free on application BRIN’S OXYGEN COMPANY, Limited, 34, Victoria Street, WESTMINSTER, §.W. Works—69, Horseferry Road, WESTMINSTER, 5. W. MANCHESTER OXYGEN COMPANY, Limited, Great Marlborough Street, MANCHESTER. BIRMINGHAM OXYGEN COMPANY, Limited, Saltlay Works, BIRMINGHAM. Addresses—