The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (April 1897)

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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. xv. ANIMATED PHOTOGRAPHS. RIGGS KINEMATOGRAP (PATENTED), Gives Best Results of any Preigctor on the Market. aia ® 8 ®B No Breakdowns Failure Impossible Film can be taken out any part of its length Cannot Damage Films am Always Sharp No Flicker Picture Always Same jim Spot on Screen Bright Pictures Films can be put in No Jump a oe in less than 5 secs. ®@ BS — ® @ ® FILMS—LARGE STOCK, ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS. ——_— oo Intending Buyers should see this machine. This machine is acknowledged, wherever shown, to be the BEST. This machine, having been on the market for some considerable time, has every improvement that experience can suggest: ee J. H. RIGG, SKINNER LANE, LEEDS, WORKS—Cross Stamford Street and Telephone Street. Sole Sale Agency for the U.S.A., Messrs, HAWTHORNE & SHEBBLE, 106, Chesnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.