The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (February 1898)

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WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE ‘‘LANTERN WORLD.” Vol. 9.—No. 105. FEBRUARY, 1898. Price 2d., Post-free 3d. CONTENTS. PAGE Noteg.. 2. oe ee ce oe ce oe ee ee ne te ee ee ee 17 Viewing Film Transparencies in the Cinematograph without Projection—No. II. wis? Say ae). 6% par ee ses wa ie ee 9 Water Pressure... o. 5. ee ee ne ee ne te ee we ee 19 The Jersey City Acetylene Explosion .. .. 4. ee 0. ee ve 20 | Some Simple Lens Tests .. .. .. .. .. 20 | Acetylene Gas Buoy for New York Harbour .. .. 22 The Lanternist’s Practical Cyclopedia.—No. XVI. . oo oe 2! A Little Information abont the Cinematograph.—No. II... .. .. 24 The Characteristic Effects of some Popular Developers.—No. IJ. .. 27 ° Tables as Lantern Stands .. .. .. 6. oe ee ee ee ee ee i ’ A Plea for Softnese in Lantern Slides soos ae ae ee B11 | Eastman Company's new Wholesale Be es ae Ree wee, ag :: 33 | Premises.—This company has taken the large Patea) Anfelligences= a2 ie 88 we ae ae ee te a. 84 | premises at 43, Clerkenwell Road, having three orial Table Bie See Wee Jew. we Rd cs Gree geree Stes ee 34 | floors with a total area of 16,000 square feet. gist ote Pek 36 | The wholesale premises and general offices have ~~ been moved from 115-7, Oxford Street, which NOTICES. place will in future be confined to the retail Oorrespondence Notes and Queries .. THE Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic business only. Enlarger is issued on the 1st of every month, price Two a > ~ Pence, and may be obtained from all Newsvendors, Railway News Stalls, Photographic Dealers, or from Pure Water.—The chairman of the Grand the Publishers, at the following rates, post free :— | 12 months, 3/-. Untied Grates. Ts couté, Junction Waterworks Company states that the Thames water as supplied by his company is so Eire. worda, Gaes aed ortanegy Teanga] | Pure that in order for @ person to imbibe one words, ld. grain of suspended matter it would be necessary “SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS must reach the office not | 0 drink about 25 tumblersful per day for a later than the first post on the 24th of each month. All | period of five years. cheques and postal orders to be made payable to the | Magic Lantern Journal Company, Limited. a i * EDITORIAL communications must be addressed, . J. HAY TAYLOR, Advertisements and business | A. Clarkson & Co.—Mr. A. Clarkson has communications to Jos. T. Smith, Secretary, Magic | 2dmitted two partners into his business at 28, Lantern Journal Company, Limited, 9, Carthu| Bartlett’s Buildings, E.C., in equal shares, and Sian Street, London, E.C. ' the owners now consist of A. Clarkson, Robert American Agents :—The International News Co., 83 Broadhurst (who has been manager for several and 85, Dusne Street, New York City. i years), and W. H. Towns.