The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (October 1899)

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DOUBLE NUMBER. __.|: WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE ‘“‘LANTERN WORLD.” Vol. 10.—No. 125. OCTOBER, 1899. Price 2., Post-fvee 3d. CONTENTS. PAGE | eS Notes Lit | Optical and Mechanical Effects for the Lantern —No. XI. 119 Lantern Slides from Line Subjects.—No. II. *) 120 Headaches at Lantern Exhibitions... er eras | Shadowgram or Silhouette and Panoramic Slides Sie, (tise Sa Lantern Scrmons Justified .. . ae 196 Suburban London from a Photographic Point of ¥ iew .. LT Focusing Device and Holder for Enlarging... .. .. .. .. 128 A Simple Camera Extension for Copying .. .. .. .. .. 130 Warm Tones in Sgn Little Used Process .. .. .. .. 130 Hints on Lantern Lectures .. .. eis art ieee? BL Pan Deen Uoecreened er, 7 ' Royal Photographic Society’s Exhibition. ewApparatus 2. 22 se 2s 8s ee ce we ee ew oe a UE are Patent Intelligence .. 1. 1. ... .os. so. 2. 9 | —The annual exhibition of the Royal PhotoHous dose ee sour ocr ost rr rross rs ss ss HO graphic Society was formally opened on aera ae =... ... | Saturday, the 28rd ult., by a soiree, to which a NOTICES. large number of guests were invited by the council. The exhibition, which is held at the THE Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic | Society of Water Colours Gallery, 5a, Pall Enlarger is issued on the Ist of every month, price Two | Mall, 8.W., will remain open until the 11th Pence, and may be obtained from all Newavendors, | inst. A most interesting collection of pictures Railway News Stalls, Photographic Dealers, or from ibiti the Publishers, at the following rates, post free :— are Caen mbiuons 12 months, 3/-. United States, 75 cents. ~ s os Exonance Column, General Wants, &c. (not Trade)— i inematographs.— First 20 words, 6d.; and for every 3 additional Seunty Sedna ane <1 ane words, 1d. According to the annual report of the London SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS must reach the office not County Council, this body asks that Parliament later than the firat post on the 24th of each month. All should grant them greater powers, including cheques and postal orders to be made payable to the | more control in connection with cinematoMagic Lantern Journal Company, Limited. graphic exhibitions on all premises, and that EpITORIAL communications must be addressed, | such would be illegal unless under a special J. HAY TAY LOR rere end Pasa license issued by them. This would enable the communications to HE MAGIC TERN 6“ JOURNAL COMPANY, Limited, 9, Garthusian Council to ‘‘ exercise a proper control over the Street, London, E.C. places in which the entertainments were to be held, and could attach such conditions, etc.’ American Agents :—The International News Co., 83 This, we may say, is, according to the report, and 85, Duane Street, New York City. to include even private houses. If this