The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (November 1899)

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HAUFF’S NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC DEVELOPER “ADUROL.” HAUFF’S ee METOL, AMIDOL, GLYCIN. PoE pa, CS) parka cae HEN 1p? NEN INS SaLGe ET Ce he fig Sere ae a WSS St Seal ene) CNBe el ES Sp. * Se) PC WP HOP etal a as Ry see PES CP Uy Oy OP aa Sale ae: CPP GF Gk Als, . . THE OPTICAL . . a a e JOURNAL ye And Photographic Qnlarger. a A Magazine of Popular Science for the Lecture-Room A and the Domestic Circle. Gs WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE “LANTERN WORLD.” ERA {Entered at Stationers’ Hall.] Vol. 10.—No. 126. NOVEMBER, 1899. Price 2d., Post Free 3d. CINEMATOGRAPH IMAGE WHEN CLOSE TO SGALGH crion GEFIN ION: LENSES, Each 28S, “‘ OPTIMUS ” MAGIC LANTERNS sro os DRAWING ROOM > LECTURE HALL. Each Lantern is efficient for Lectures and Exhibitions. The Lens gives crisp definition, being a superior Achromatic Russian Iron ‘Brass Stage Photographic combination, with Rack and Pinion, Compound Body, 63s. and Condenser of 4 incbes diameter, Three-Wick Refulgent Lamp. £s. a. Focus Tubes. Japanned Metal Body, 21s. .. aie Superior 110 0 Mahogany outside body 212 0 Russian Lron Body, Brass Sliding Tube. 33 0 STOCKS’ LAMP Mahogany outside body, Panelled Door, Brass to any of our Stages, and Three-draw Sliding Tubes .. 5 5 0 Incandescent Gas Burner, Tray, and Hood . Lanterns, 15s. Timeline . p ** } 43s. extra. extra, Fither of the above’ ‘systems in lieu of Oil Lamp, “‘Qs.6d. ,, “Optimus” Bi-unial Lantern for Limelig ght Brass Stages and Sliding Tube, £10 10: PRICE LISTS POST FREE. STOCKS’ PATENT LAMP, 109 candle-power, 28s. | PERKEN, SON & RAYMENT, “sconces” LONDON. ‘OPTIMUS.’ ; 5 HOLBORN VIAQUCT, , a « se aS Manufacturer of Every Description of Trade FE. B R oO Ww N C Specialities, Limelight Apparatus, &c. The Stedmanal Automatic Oxygen Generator *®IGH OWES JET Without Noise. is a complete and perfect oxygen outfit. With it Pure Oxygen in any quantities can be made for 13d. per foot. PRICE &6 Os. Od. 2 Complete with Rings for making The finest and best finished Jet on the Market Price 35s. Complete with Polished Brass Tray. New List, Just Ready, Post Free to Any Part of the World. Oxygen Cakes. Dealers and others requiring Special Apparatus Manufactured and placed on the market should write for quotations. Best Work at Low Prices, “F. BROWN, 13, Gate Street, LONDON, W.C. Clement & Gilmer, Paris, are the Sole Continental eents for the Generator. AXE BRAND P.0.P, AXE BRAND BROMIDE PAPERS. SOLE AGENTS: FUERST BROS., 17, PHILPOT LANE, E.C.