The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (January 1900)

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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. 7 te. ee โ€˜*By your leave!โ€™โ€; and the tiny youngster gazing in awe and fear at the huge iron monster just ready to steam out of the station. : Allthese one sees, and many more interesting sights, and the slide we are now dealing with is, as before mentioned, an attempt to illustrate in a necessarily simple manner this bustling to and fro. For the purpose of constructing this slide the usual wooden framework fitted with two glasses, one fixed and the other movable, is employed. On the inner surface of. the fixed glass p, Fig. III., is painted in dead black the framework of a railway carriage window, etc., as shown in Fig. I. A few lines are also sketched on the glass to represent the background of the station. On the same surtace of this fixed glass are fastened two small blocks in position shown b dotted lines in Fig. II. One of these blocks is shown at K in the sectional diagram, Fig. ITI. F Ss . Two figures as E and F (Fig. II.) are cut out of ae HIS, the 11th slide of the shadow| tin or any desired material in the shape shown, cp gram series, is an attempt to depict | and pivoted to these blocks by means of two ) By THEODORE BROWN. i the various scenes thatare presented | small pins. The position they will occupy to a person sitting in the far corner | when properly fitted is clearly represented in (<< of a railway carriage during the | Figs. I. and II. time that the train is stopping at a It is important to notice here that in each ยป Station. Every reader knows what a | figure a small part must be left at the bottom ce large number of persons of every kind | to project over the block as shown. and description, and of many different nationNow to the inner surface of the movable glass alities also, are continually passing toand froat | c (Fig. ITI.), is glued a small block H (Figs. IT. and any large station whilst trains are being un| III.). This is glued in sucha position that loaded and reloaded. when the sliding glass is slipped along, this block Here, one sees the city man hurrying along | will just touch the projecting ends of the two to catch his train, the private gentleman clad in | figures Eand F and give them a slight swaying his sporting habiliments, the tramp, with his | motion. Thus will be imparted the idea of the ragged clothes and hawthorn stick, loitering . persons shifting slightly, etc., during the stoppage aimlessly about, the ubiquitous porter wheeling | of the train. his load of trunks and shouting his everlasting | To the exterior surface of the movable glass