The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (August 1900)

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94 The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. . Royal Photographic Society's Annual Exhibition.—The forty-fifth annual exhibition in connection with the Royal Photographic Society, will be held from October lst to November 3rd, at the New Gallery, 121, Regent Street, W. As in past years, the exhibition will be inaugurated (on Saturday, September 29th) by a private view, followed in the evening by a conversazione. Entry forms and full particulars may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary at the headquarters of the Society, 66, Russell Square, W.C. ~ baad > New Style of Advertising.— An ingenious method of advertising is about to be adopted by Chadwick's Patent Advertising Company, Limited, of Manchester. At the tail end of a large van a screen is erected, when by means of a cinematographic lantern placed in front, animated advertisement films are projected on the screen, meantime the van is hauled about the streets. This will mean rather awkward work for the operator should the roads be at all uneven. ~ & Rena A Little Knowledge is’ Sometimes Dangerous.—An intending purchaser of a cooling plant some time ago visited a wellknown firm of makers of carbonic acid (C O:) machines. The manager explained that they had just completed a style of machine which he thought would be likely to suit the customer, so asked him into the workshops to inspect it, at the same time explaining that ‘this particular one is the smallest size we make.” The intending purchaser examined the machine for some time, and after asking a few questions said that he considered this particular machine rather small for his requirements—he would require either at least a C Os or C Os size. 1% = x Acetylene Explosion.—We have often cautioned our readers anent examining for leaks in acetylene generators with a naked light. We learn that a gentleman in Brooklyn, New York, lately built a large generator for supplying his private house with acetylene. He took a light to examine a leak—result, an explosion which hurled him several feet, injuring him so severely that he died in a few hours. The tank of the generator was shot through the roof of the building, making a hole about 5 feet square. me cad ~~ Acetylene in Siberia.—Acetylene gas is being largely used in Siberia in connection with various engineering constructions, and is considered a great boon. A Row about the Dundee School Lantern. eN f oes T must be quite an evening’s amuse CHAS ment to be present at the monthly meetings of the Dundee School Y, Board. On page 82 of last issue 2) we gave particulars of one of their meetings. Ata later meeting, held on the 25th ult., Mr. Smart objected to a minute of the Evening Schools Committee in reference to the use of a lantern in Tay Street School, and the offer of Mr. Brebner, Rector of the Harris Academy, to give four lectures. The minute also agreed that till the result of the experiment, lanterns should not be used in any other school. Mr. Smart objected to the minute as being irregular. It was a great pity that a thing which might have becn settled by a few business men in ten minutes had dragged itself so long before the Board. He thought the Committee had gone quite outside their remit in deciding as they had done. Besides, they had employed a lecturer | and proposed to pay him. The servants of the Board were quite willing to do the work. The Chairman---The minute does not bear that they propose to pay the lecturer. Mr. Smart said that he was to be paid. Now, the Committee were never asked to employ Mr. Brebner. The whole thing was irregular, and he much regretted that they could not come to a fair issue on the matter. He wanted a straightforward vote on the question. Canon Holder, for instance, was so very benighted Jast month that he thought it would be better to leave it to the teachere, and now he was adopting a dificrent line this month. Mr. Cameron was not against the lantern, but then he went and voted against it. Mr. Macdonald and Mr. Mudie were very straightforward. They spoke against it, but did not vote against it. Mr. Dunbar came forward with a house of refuge for them. Mr. Mudie rose to & point of order. He did not think such language should be allowed about Mr. Macdonald and himself. Besides, this sort of thing was getting quite unbearable. The School Board of Dundee was becoming quite & bear garden. Mr. Smart had used words which were a disgrace and a scandal to the members of the School Board. He appealed to the chair for protection. Neither he nor Mr. Macdonald required to be told that they were straightforward. They did not need either Mr. Dunbar or Mr. Smart to speak for them or provide a house of refuge for them. (Laughter, and hear, bear.) They would vote as they though fit, whether their actions suited Mr. Smart or not. The Chairman—I knew your remarks would lead to this, Mr. Smart. Mr. Smatt—I am sorry, but what I want is a straightforward vote, Mr. Mudie—We have had quite enough of this. Mr. Smart—The whole procedure is irregular. The Committee have gone outside their remit altogether. Hither let us bundle this matter out or have done with it on correct principles instead of going through so tortuous @ way. The Chairman—I must ask you to withdraw those words, Mr. Smart—It is a tortuous way, I insist. Rev. A. Osborne seconded the motion. The clause