The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (August 1900)

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98 the course that for some little time I myself pursued, but wishing to lessen the cost of pro The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. duction as regards the actual expenditure in money and time, I made a number of experiments from which I derived much valuable information respecting .the cheap and rapid production of really efficient lantern slides. In this article I propose to set forth some of the ideas that I have found most useful and practical, and as it would be quite impossible for me to deal, within the limits of these columns, with the production of every kind of slide, I have confined myself to one only—astronomical slides. needed, but it will be of a very simple character, and easily procured or made by every reader of this paper. I shall content myself with actual practice, found most useful. Possibly, , now prepared. B is a rest for the hand and serves the purpose of aruler as well. This rest is shown again in Fig, VII. ‘A number of cases, as shown in Fig. III., are An ordinary combined lantern slide cover-glass and binding stripsis taken, and : three of the strips doubled over and stuck down. Naturally, some apparatus will be | describing just those articles that I have, in ; as the reader reads on, he will himself think of | various apparatus that could with advantage be introduced in the manufacture of astronomical slides, but for all ordinary purposes that which I shall now bring before his notice will be found sufficient. First, then, a small desk arrangement, similar to that shown in Fig. II., will be needed. The reader will notice that it is something like an ordinary retouching desk with the arrangement removed. Jor its construction any box will do. c is a large mirror kept in place by means of the two blocks © and F. This mirror reflects light from an opening D in the side of the box to the slide 4, placed in a recess at the top of the desk. shade | The fourth strip B, Fig. III, is fastened to another glass, and a hinge 4 is thus formed on which the glasses may turn. The smoke drawing is now made on c, which is then laid down on the other glass. The three sides of the binding that were stuck down now come between the two glasses and prevent the rc smoked surface from coming into contact with | the plain glass—thus protecting 1t and prevent| ing it from being scratched. To keep both glasses together, ready for insertion into the optical lantern, a rubber band is placed round the two, as shown in the side view, Fig. LV. This method of binding up is specially adapted to those slides that will only be required for one occasion, ég., such simple illustrations as comets, or any written matter. After use the soot can be cleaned off, and the case used again when required. . The other apparatus needed are a.few lantern ' plates which have been fixed in the ordinary