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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (October 1900)

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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger “~6N GENUINE xa, J GINEMATOGRAPH FILMS OF | CHINA AND THE EAST; | | | Being part of Series recently taken by a Skilled Operator with E. F. G. HATCH, Eaq., M.P., during his Tour in China, Japan, Corea, Malay, Aden, Canada, British Columbia, etc. No. 1. Street Scene in Pekin. 125 feet. . J. Panorama on the Tientsin to Pekin Railway. 65 feet. . 4. Chinese Factory Hands. 65 feet. » 5. An Old Chinese Woman Spinning. 65 fect. » 6, Craft on the Canton River. 125 feet. 7, Qhinese Punch and Judy" Show. 65 feet. », 8 A Chinese Laundry. 65 feet. : 9. Native Boat Race in South China. 40 feet. .. 10, Chinese Theatre. 125 feet. | » 12. Ist Regiment of Sikhs at Exercise (now in Pekin). | 50 fect. | is Coaling Man-of-War at Nagasaki. 50 feet. ,, 13. Market Scene in Corea. 50 feet. . Chinese at Dinner. 50 feet. is lroning. 50 feet. a ts ee ae Price 1s. per foot. NEW PANTOMIME FILM. ‘AIRY TALE OF “HOP 0’? MY THUMB.” In Twenty Tableaux, with Dissolving Effects. \ Length 350 feet. i THE = “ROVALTY” Series of Slides. THE VERY LATEST CHINESE SLIDES FROX Unpublished Photographs by Traveliers recently returned. FIRST LIST. 1. Chinese Man-of-War off Taku. 2. Chefoo from the Sea. 3. House-boat on the Pei-Ho near Pekin. 4. Net Fishing on the Pei-Ho. 5, Pekin Mule-cart and Driver. 6. Native Traders in Pekin. 7. 8. ” ” ” is 6 Chinese Gocart, Nurse, and Baby. a 10. Ploughing. , | A Chinese Well. + 12. Ohinese Inn. » 13. Outside Pekin—The Canal Forded by the Allies. » 14. The Walls of Pekin, Mongolian Traders. ow V0. » a Camel Pack oy 1b. Camels entering Pekin. » 17. Ou the Road from Tientsin to Pekin. : 18. Native Quarters of Pekin. . Gateway near Pekin. + 21. The Great Wall of China, view from top. ., 22, Archway with Buddhist Inscription, and Great Wail of China. . 23. Givantic Statues of Camels. , 2d. s Elephants. Price 2s. 6d. each. HARRISON & Co., Sole ‘Publishers, 13, BERNERS STREET, LONDON, W. IMPORTANT act LIMELIGHT USERS ! “6X BORLAND’S xo PATENT SCISSORS ARG LAMPS Direct and Alternating Currents. Made in Three Types Hand Feeding. Self-Striking & Hand Feeding. The “ Dot.” The only automatic Arc Lamp in the mnarket which fits all ordinary Optical Lanterns on the limelight tray without any alterations Invaluable for Theatrical Purposes, Lantern Projections, Enlarging, Printing, and Photographing. Prices, Particulars, and Testimonials free on application to— F. J. BORLAND, st Sheepscar Grove, LEEDS. THE WELL-KNOWN PICTURES OF Durer, Van Dyk, Hals, Holbein, Mich. Angelo Millet, Murillo, Raphael, Rembrandt, Rubens, Teniers, ‘Art Bistoricat > _ LANTERN SLIDES. Over 2,000 Subjects. ASK FOR CATALOGUE. eoc$o DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. PRICE PER SLIDE Mark 1.20. All Slides are made from the ORIGINAL NEGATIVES Velasquez, by the Da Vinci, Fine Art RAdhient of Braun, Clément & Co. Watteau, AND SOLE AGENT: MANY OTHERS. Ed. Liesegang, Diisseldorf a a SPR ESTABLISHED 1854. (GERMANY. ] Please mention this Journal when corresponding with Advertisers.