The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (October 1900)

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118 The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. "Give the Drum a One’er.’”—A new journal, the Showman, made its bow to the public last month. Itis to be issued monthly at one penny from the offices of the Photographic Dealer, 15, Harp Alley, Farringdon Street, E.C. This new paper appeals to those connected with variety shows, roundabouts, nigger troupes, menageries, travelling museums, etc. The first number reflects great credit (and shall we say daring) upon Mr. Arthur C. Brookes, its editor and proprietor, who deserves the great success which we wish both him and his new venture. % cy ~~ Smart Work.—During the recent session of the Ohio and Michigan Photographic Association a negative and finished print were made during the evening. A negative was made by acetylene light with an exposure of four seconds, this was developed and a print made also by acetylene, the whole operations only taking eight minutes and twenty-four seconds. baad Sod ~ Photographing Servants.—It would appear that in Siam some are greatly troubled with dishonest servants, for the Siam ree Press contains the following communication from a reader who signs himself ‘‘ Caution.” He says: ‘‘ Having myself suffered very much from the dishonesty of servants who always managed to avoid arrest, I think it would bea very good thing if we got all our servants photographed. In case of their disappearance then we should find it easier to put the police on the track. Owing to the very large number of faces of Chinese that one meets with in Bangkok every day, one soon forgets one’s own servant when the face has been missed for any length of time. Besides, their peculiar physiognomy makes it hard for a farang to distinguish one Chinaman from another. A photograph of the servants would, therefore, serve a very useful purpose, I think; and it might also have a deterrent effect on them when they knew that they have been marked.” ~ ro a _ Preparing Calcium Garbide for Transportation.—When calcium carbide is treated as follows, it is claimed that merely wetting it with water is not sufficient to generate acetylene; there must be some inches of water pressure to effect this. Melt together equal parts of cocoabutter, sugar, and paraffin wax, and stir in a small quantity of tartaric acid. Into this mixture the carbide is placed until it is thoroughly impregnated. Paris Exhibition Slides.—A great treat was afforded to the members and their friends of the London and Provincial Photographic Association on the 20th ult., when Mr. A. L. Henderson projected a great number of views of the Paris Exhibition. These views were extremely fine and interesting, notwithstanding that many were taken under great disadvantages. Mr. Henderson, however, always comes out on top, in spite of all drawbacks, including being on the verge of being arrested by gendarmes for trying to photograph certain views. o te. ee Opaque Lantern Extraordinary.—-As a rule lanternists consider that to use the opaque lantern with satisfactory results, it is requisite to have a couple of limelight jets to illuminate the object intended to be projected. However, we learn differently from the well-known periodical Answers, and the story is certainly very funny reading. It is as follows :—‘‘ A few years ago the Yeomanry of one of our Midland towns were startled by-a ghost. This ghost was the apparition of a woman in white robes and long, streaming hair, her hands raised to her head. She appeared in a country road at 9.30 every evening for weeks, seen against a hedgerow on a hill, and only visible to people on horseback, or on the driving-seat of waggons. A mining engineer serving in the Yeomanry discovered the secret by means of a difficult study in mathematics, and, to prove his conclusions, called at a house three-quarters of a mile distant from the position of the ghost. Here he was allowed to visit the room occupied by the daughter of.the house, and in answer to his enquiry she confessed that she always dressed her hair before a pier-glass at the back of the room opposite the window. At the window stood a lamp on a crystal standard. The light from the mirror was gathered by the crystal, and thrown out through the window. ‘Threefourths of a mile away, against a tall, dark hedgerow, the rays of light came into exact focus as the ghost of a white lady with uplifted hands.” ™ a ~ “The Photo-Miniature.’’—The last two numbers of this magazine, which is published in this country by Dawbarn and Ward, Limited, contain respectively two excellent essays, viz., ‘« Intensification and reduction,” and ‘“‘ Bromide printing and enlarging.” Hach subject is treated in an exhaustive manner.