The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (November 1900)

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152 The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. 16437, 15th September, 1900. Eugéne Théophile Lacroix. Improvements in apparatus for viewing living pictures. (Date applied for under Patents, etc., Act, 1883, Sec. 103; 17th March, 1900, being date of application in France.) 20th September, 1900. James Fleck. Improvements in and relating to carrying and exposing in the camera of photographic sensitive films. 20th September, 1900. Andrew Ainslie Common. Telescopes for sighting ordnance. 20th September, 1900. Paul Charles and Stephen Faujat. Machine for production of gelatine images. (Complete.) 24th September, 1900. Ross, Limited. Improved _ means for adjusting and fixing the prisms in prismatic field and opera glasses and telescopes. Warner and Swasey, United States. (Complete.) 25th September, 1900. Andrew Ainslie Common. Improvements in binocular telescopes. 25th September, 1900. Enoch Kector. Apparatus for exhibiting pictures of moving objeots. (Compleie.) . 26th September, 1900. Hermann Hofer and Haus Hofer. Improvements in and relating to transparencies. 1st October, 1900. Andrew Ainslie Common. Improvements in binocular telescopes. 4th October, 1900. Albert Kaufmann. Improvements in and in the construction of supports for cameras, telescopes, theodolites, and other like articles. (Complete.) 6th October, 1900. Albert Edward Woods. Improvemants relating to stereoscopes and other like apparatus for exhibiting pictures. 8th October, 1900. Carston Diedrich Ahrens. Improvements in prismatic telesc>pes. — 9th October, 1900. Jacob Kjaldsen. A new or improved process of producing chemical rays. 10th October, 1900. Arthur Augustus Brooks and George Andrew Watson. Improvements in and connected with photographic apparatus. 10th October, 1900: Kodak, Limited (Frank A. Brownall, United States.) Improvements in or relating to photographic cameras. 10th Ostober, 1900. Walter Gibbons. Improvements in cinematographic apparatus. 16753. 16791. 16803. 16996. 17075. 17076. 17126. 17369. 17632. 17727. 17854. 17951, 17986. 18007. 18029. Copies of the following specifications may be obtained by remttting 1/for each specification to W. P. Thompson & Go., Patent Agents, 332, High Holborn, London, W.C. SPECIFICATIONS PUBLISHED. 12520 of 1900. Stibgen. Lanterns. 19172 of 1899. Foersterling. Photographic plate-holder and charging apparatus. 12424 of 1900. Hartung. Means for forming : , glass of prismatic type. 14465 of 1900. Gill & Seldon. Repeating plate-holders for use in photography. 14789 of 1900, Fryer. : cinematographically. sheet Means for sighting pictures ; BODY. eonmon —_) @ Petes and Queries. CARY Correspondents must supply their names and addresses, but, if desired, queries can be replied to under a ‘‘ nom de plume.” WV. Bates writes :—When perusing the daily papers I have often been struck by the way in which lantern entertainments are reported. In nine cases out of ten we are told that a fine collection of pictorial views ‘were thrown on the sheet.””, How much smoother such notices would read if we were told that the pictures ‘‘ were projected upon the screen.” F. writes :—In last issue you described a triple set of burners formed like a star for acetylene use. I presume they are not all three intended to be alight at the sama time, for from an optical point of view the flames should not be thus spread about. Ans.—If you will again read our comments, you will see that we stated that only the _ top burner for the time being had a clear gas way. Doubtful.—It is simply rubbish; pay no attention toit. Spirit.—Methylated spirit is used with the style of jet you mention. Practically it is like a blowpipe emitting oxygen, which is blown through the flame of a spirit lamp on to a piece of soft lime placed at a little distance ; from the nipple of the blowpipe. We do not understand your second query about reflected light from ! geveral flames; please repeat in other language. H. J. Gladwin writes:—Kindly inform me whether methylated ether gives satisfactory results with a saturator? I have worked the oxy-ether light abroad with pure ether, and now that I have returned to England, after many years’ absence, it is an important matter to refit as cheaply as possible. Ether was cheap where I was living, and if the methylated article will serve I shall continue to use a saturator; if not, I shall have to go in for the mixed gases. dns.—Methylated ether is usually employed now. A. H, Dunning.—If you will refer to the column of New Apparatus in this issue, you will find a full account of our experiments with the Newtonian ether saturator. F. Simons.—Thanks for your interesting letter. We heard that there was some little difficulty with the carbons of the electric lamp during the first few days of the exhibition, but understand that the defect has b3en remedieti. We are unable to give particulars. ; E. Hill.—The negative duly to hand. It is very much over-exposed, and the markings you speak of are caused by the developer not flowing over the plate at once, probably because the solution was insufficient in quantity. If you want the negative back, please send stamps to cover postage. J. E. (Australia) writes :—Perhaps you will give certain dea!ers in England a hint as to the more careful selection of lantern outfits, for it is a serious matter for those who have paid a large amount of freight to find that the various parts will not ensemble. My own experience in connection with a recent order would lead one to infer the orders by the shopman were something like the following:—‘‘Put iato that’case a bi-unial lantern, two condensers, two lenses, two trays, and two jets.” When I got my outfit, I found that the lenses were nota pair, and the upright on one tray was too thick to permit of the jet going on. This, to say the least, is not con: ducive to business. A few minutes would have been. ‘ sufficient to have seen that ths various part: fitted.