The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (December 1901)

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93 The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. slides pertaining to history, zoology, and physical geography, the results of about 20 years’ collection of material taken mostly from old’ periodicals and books obtained from old bookstalls. m ca % Automatic Photoscope Syndicate, Ltd.— About a fortnight ago application was made at the Manchester Chancery Court for a windingup order against the above-named company. No one appeared to oppose, so the ViceChancellor made the usual order as to winding up, and as to costs. & a oe Acetylene in Omnibuses.— Arrangements are being made to provide many of the London omnibuses with acetylene light. Something in this direction has long been required, for ’bus illumination has been quite as bad as the illumination of some of the railway carriages in the South of London. oe % cy Voters supplied with Spectacles.—About 250,000 pairs of glasses will be purchased by. the State committee in Maryland for use in | polling booths. Politicians have found that both in the city and country districts a large number of voters of the poorer classes can read | sufficiently well to ballot, but their sight is so defective that in the dimly lighted booths they | are unable to read the long list of contestants on the ballot. Capable men will be provided at every polling place to adjust the glasses for the voters. ea ed me ‘* Trilby’’ Limes.--In our last issue we spoke of the firm of Messrs. Assender « Co., Limited, having been sold by the liquidator to Messrs. Green & Co. This new firm, we understand, continue to make the “ 'l'rilby ” Diamond Iuimes. We have since learned that Messrs. Petrus, Barghoorn & Co., of 158, Fenchurch | Street, E.C., have engaged Mr. W. H. Assender (founder and late managing director of William Henry Assender & Co., Limited) as manager, and that they are manufacturing and placing upon the market limes under the style of Assender’s Excelsior Trilby Lime Cylinders. This latter firm have forwarded us a couple of dozen limes. Each lime is wrapped in tin foil. & » The Dundee International Photographic Exhibition.—-Dundee has long held a reputation as an art buying centre, so under the auspices of the Dundee and East of Scotland Photographic Association, an International Photographic Exhibition is to be held at the me Victoria Art Galleries there for four weeks, commencing on January 31st next. A novelty is to be tried in the shape of a Photographic Art Union for the purpose of inducing sales at the exhibition. Prospectuses will be sent to all interested post free on application to Mr. Archibald Campbell, hon. exhibition secretary, 39, High Street, Dundee. [Entries close on | January 11th. > > te Kodak, Limited.—-Arrangements have been made whereby the headquarters of Kodak, Limited, will be America instead of England; this step being taken owing to troubles with the income tax assessors of this country. Certain other manufacturing businesses are to be amalgamated or taken over, and the new capital is to be £7,000,000. At the headquarters in this country in Clerkenwell Road extensive additions are being made, the large building lately occupied as the headquarters of Salinon «& Gluckstein, and situated wext to Kodak, Limited, having been acquired by the latter firm. A Scientific Lantern of Fifty Years Ago. VW PWARDS of fifty years ago a some , what peculiar lantern was employed by Mr. Chas. Woodward, F.R.S., during lecture demonstrations with the polariscope before several scientific societies, including the Islington “Literary and Scientific Society, of which = Mr. Woodward was the president. With this he gave lectures before large audiences, and we learn that the apparatus proved very effective. We are enabled to give a sketch of the lantern, together with its mode of lighting, and to present-day workers of the lantern it will without doubt be cf interest. Nowadays we have suitable appliances for adjusting the illuminant to or from the condenser, but, as will be seen in this particular lantern, the body of the lantern was adjusted and the jet left practically stationary. The following explanation, according to the lettering, will explain the various parts :—a B is the stand upon which the various parts were attached or built up and contained what was then known asa Gurney’s blow-pipe, c and D represent two upright pillars fixed to the stand and supporting the tubes leading from the reservoir E to the bladder or rubber bag F, and thence to the Hemming safety tube K—this