The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (January 1902)

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vi. The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. THE IMPERIAL ROTAGRAPH Combined Lantern and Cinematograph. FOR 1,000 FEET OF FILM. Sunk Film Cage. Films Never Injured. Every Improvement. Special Supply Feed (Hughes’ Patent). Living Picture and Lantern Picture superimpose in size and position. Why pay £45 when you get this high-class teclinical outfit for only £21 10s. A marvel at the price. THE ROTAGRAPH COMBINED Lantern and Cinematograph. Same principle for 150-ft. as per drawing Reduced to £16 16s. ESTABLISHED OVER 30 YEARS. W.C.Aughes SPECIALIST. Ka= Note the Address if you want Perfection in either Cinematographs, Lanterns, or Effects— MAGIC LANTERNS. CINEMATOGRAPHS. HUGHES’ MARVELLOUS PAMPHENGOS, NEARLY 4,000 SOLD. The finest oil-lighted Lantern extant. Gives brilliant 10 to 14 feet pictures. No smell. No smoke. No broken glasses. 4inch finest Condensers and large front Lenses, elegant brass sliding fronts. Reduced to £4 4s. Particulars free. The Universal four-wick Lantern, 1$s.6d.: Marvellous Value.. Handsome brass-fronted Bi-unial Lanterns, £6 10s. Blow-through Jets, 8s. 6d. Mixed Gas ditto, 12s. The Docwra, the Grand, and the Miniature Malden Triples. Superb instruments, as supplied to Madame Patti, Professor Malden, Royal Polytechnic, etc. Before purchasing get Hughes’ Grandly Tilustrated Catalogue, 180 original engravings, price 6d., postage 4d. Giving valuable information. Bijou ditto, 5d. free. List of 60,000 Slides, 6d., postage 3d. Cheapest and best Lantern Outfits in the world. Hughes’ animated pictures. 20 feet pictures. ache, no headache. mechanism. Hughes’ Living Picture Photo-Rotoscope. A little gem. Flickering nil. Can be attached to any lantern, will give with oil, 4 feet pictures; limclight 10 to 14 feet pictures. Price, No.1 with lantern complete, £11 lis.; without, £7 7s. No. 2, £13 13s. and £9 9s., equal to machines costing £20 to £30 cach. Hughes’ Photo-Rotoscope Peep Show. The greatest money-taker of the 19th century; animated pictures in the open air. Winter or Summer. Fonrteen people can see atone time. Not a toy, but high-class; price, completé with machine, £1212s. Tlustrated Catalogues of Cinematographs of above, $d. Sinall ditto, 4d. Great Motor Pictoroscope for showing No shutter. therefore no flickering. 12 to Perfection. Eclipses all others. No eyes Simple, and results magnificent. Superb Hughes’ Moto Photoscope Reversing Cinematograph. Brewster House, 82, Mortimer Road, Kingsland, LONDON, N. BRIN’ SS OXYGEN. For Limelight, Medical, Metallurgical, and other purposes, OXYGEN of Guaranteed Purity supplied in Cylinders of the Best BRITISH Manufacture, and complying with allthe established Trade and Railway Regulations The public are respectfully informed that all Cylinders which are filled by the Brin Companius (whether their own or their Customers) are labelled with the Companies’ Trade Mark. This label guarantees the purity of the Gas, and is a further guarantee that the Cylinder has been tested and proved sound in every respect by the Brin Company which has filled it. Customers who wish to procure Brin's OXYGEN are requested to see that the Cylinders supplied to them bear this label, which is also stamped with the date on which the Cylinder was filled. The Works of the Brin CoMPANIES are open during business hours to the inspection of their Customers, who are at liberty to test the quality of Gas being manufactured, and to watch their own Cylinders being tested and filled. Registered Trade Mark. Price Lists of Gases, Cylinders, and all Accessories, can be obtained from the Company’s accredited Agents, or will be sent Post free on application. SS BRIN'S OXYGEN COMPANY, Limited, $4, Victoria Street, WESTMINSTER, S.W. Addresses— Works—69, Horseferry Road, WESTMINSTER, 8. W. MANCHESTER OXYGEN COMPANY, Limited, Great Marlborough Street, MANCHESTER. BIRMINGHAM OXYGEN COMPANY, Limited, Saltley Works, BIRMINGHAM. Please mention this Journal when corresponding with Advertisers.