The Optical Magic Lantern Journal (January 1902)

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The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. vil. THE “INJECTOR” MIXED JET. (JACKSON'S PATENT.) 6X PRICE SOs. Ko This is the only Mixed Gas Jet which will work at full power with coal gas taken direct from the town supply, and oxygen from a cylinder. In order to effect this the oxygen, on its way to the mixing chamber, is made to pass through the small Injector | in the sketch at a preséure of about 12 lbs. per square inch. In passing through the Injector it sucks a supply of coal gas from the pipe H, which is connected with the house pipe, and forces it forward through the short pipe T into the mixing chamber M. Here the mixed gases meet the baffle plate B, which has the two-fold effect of silencing the passage of the : gases, and ensuring their complete admixture. The mixed gases then pass through holes in the edge of the plate, and so tothe burner. The requisite pressure of oxygen is obtained in the ordinary way by a fine tap on the cylinder, or an automatic regulator fitted with a high-pressure spring to deliver at about 15 lbs. pressure. Five seasons’ experience has fully established the superiority of this Jet over all others. It will yield THE FULL 1,800 TO 2,000 CANDLE-POWER (so-called) of the ordinary mixed jet when taking its supply of coal gas direct from the town’s pipe, or even froma bag without any pressure atall. If atown's supply is not available, it will work just as well with coal gas from a cylinder. We cannot see why ordinary mixed jets should be purchased which cannot offer these alternatives. As for blow-through jets, ejector or otherwise, we do not know why they should be used at all, when with the same economy and convenience of working, the Injector Jet will give two or three times the light. By removing the Injector nipple the jet becomes an ordinary mixed jet. This can be done whenever it is desired to work with oxygen at low pressure, and coal gas from a cylinder. The working of the Jet is simpler than that ofan ordinary jet. When the H tap is once adjusted, it does not need to be touched again when using town's gas. The turning off or on of the oxygen supply regulates automatically the supply of coal gas. This is a great convenience in actual use. Most existing jets can be fitted with an Injector to enable them to take their coal gas supply from the house pipe. The Jet willin certain cases be sent cn approval on deposit of purchase price. Further particulars free on application te MANCHESTER OXYGEN (Brin’s Patent) CO., LTD., Great Marlborough Street, Manchester. ACETYLENE. The «INCANTO” Appliances for all purposes have proved the BEST AND MOST RELIABLE BEARD’S ECLIPSE CARRIER ez 10/6 It produces an effect similar to dissolving. The slides are inserted and withdrawn by a single movement. Write or call— THORN & HODDLE ACETYLENE Co., Ltd., 135, Victoria Street, WESTMINSTER. BEARD’S COMPRESSED GAS REGULATOR ’ Is the only reliable Regulator giving perfect results with all kinds of jets. Price = 3O/-. Pattern A Generator. SPECIAL. Optical Lanterns, with 4 inch Compound Condensers and Three-wick Lamps, 22/-; with Four-Wick Lamps, 24/-Handpainted Slides from 4d.; Splendidly coloured 33 by 3} Slides in sets of 12, price 2’6 per set; or four sets for 9/6. Full-sized Changing Comic Slipping Slides, in mahogany frames, 7d. each or 6/6 per doz. Lever Action Slides from 41/6 each. Rackwork Slides (including chromatropes), 2/6 each. Best quality double motion Interchangeable Chromatropes, 4/3; extra Discs from 6d. per pair. “Lightning” double-carrier Frames, from 1/each. Slides for smal] Lanterns from 5d. per dozen. New Catalogue gratis and post free. EE ROBERT H. CLARK, R. R, ARD, ‘"Wemunctiren”* olesale Optician, 10, Trafalgar Rd., Old Kent Rd, LONDON, SE.] ROYSTON, HERTS. Please mention this Journal when corresponding with Advertisers, HAND-FEED ARG LAMPS. All mechanical movements for centering arc. These Lamps are used by the Polytechnic, Queen’s Hall, Royal Photographic Society, etc. Assender’s “ Trilby"’ and Marriott’s Limes Stocked, Wholesale and Retail.