Optical projection: a treatise on the use of the lantern in exhibition and scientific demonstration (1906)

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PBEFACE TO THE FOUKTH EDITION THE third edition of this book being exhausted, it was thought advisable to make some revision and to write a fresh Appendix, with a view to bringing it up to date. The Author was accordingly preparing to take the work in hand, and had already discussed with me as to the main points of the alterations, when, on December 16, 1905, his energetic and useful life was cut short by a fatal railway accident at Saltford, in Somerset. Many and widespread have been the expressions of sympathy with his family in their bereavement. From literally all over the world have come letters testifying to the respect in which he was held and to the loss which workers in many branches of science feel at his death. To me, his son and the companion and sharer in much of his experimental work, the loss is not only that of a revered and honoured father, but also that of a guide and adviser in much of my own scientific work. a