Optic projection : principles, installation and use of the magic lantern, projection microscope, reflecting lantern, moving picture machine (1914)

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728 OFTIC PROJECTION Sp ictra, absorption and substances for 637-638 apparatus and material for, 626,643 arc lamp for 639 chemicals to use with 627, 637, 640 comparison spectra 638 current to use for emission spectra 639 electrodes and stuffed elecc rodes 627,638 emission spectra 638-640 gratings for 627, 632-635 illumination of the slit for ... 636 optical system for 628 optical quartz system for . 627-641 photography of 643 prisms for 627, 631-632, 642 quartz optical system. .. .627, 641 screens, white and anthracene for 627,635, 642 slit for 626, 629-630 substance to use for absorption spectra 637-638 for emission spectra 640 ultra-violet 641-642 Spectrograph 642 Spectrographic camera 643 Specimen, stage for 239-240 Spectacles for correcting eye defects 659-672 prism and colored for stereoscopic screen images 37-3*3 Spectrum, showing visible radiation 566 Speed of shutter to prevent flicker 422-427 of moving picture machine . . 420 Spencer Lens Co., 28, 63, 81, 190, 193 196, 233, 241, 271,309-312,354, 355 Spherical and chromatic aberration 580-583 Splicing moving picture film. ... 428 Spots on screen 309 Spotting lantern slides 19, 26, 29, 201, 203, 216 Stage cooling device 239, 240 Stage, mechanical 239, 241, 242 in micro-projection 239-240 water-cell 239, 240, 608 Stain for tables 289 Stampfer's magic disc 680 Standard, aperture 571 Standard, material for installing arc lamp 502 Stanley, Geo. C 375 Stan ton, Theodore 673 Starch polarity indicator 510 Starrett (L. S. Starrett Co.) 295 Stenopaeic slit 651-670 Stereoscopic screen images. . . .37-38 Stimson Hall 155 C. H. vStoelting Co. .33, 141, 185,302 vStoring lantern slides 218 Straite, inventor of automatic arc lamp ooo Stray light, avoiding 380 Striae, method of demonstrating 647-650 Style Brief, Wistar Institute 374 Substage condenser 232,271,347,619,626 achromatic 282, 626 aperture of 278 centering 280 and concave mirror 348 Kohler method with 278, 619 objectives with 281 plane mirror with 348 condenser, position 337 position depending on slide. . 281 position with different objectives 282 position with parallelizing lens 277 reduction of brillaincy by 235, 618-620 Summaries of the different chapters: I. 64; II, 76; III, 97; IV, 117; V, 135; VI, 164; VII, 198; VIII, 220; IX, 313; X, 388; XI, 438; XII, 472 Summary, alternating current. . 76 direct current lanterns 64 drawing and photography. . . 388 heliostats and sunlight 164 house circuit 97 lantern-slide making 220 lime light 117 micro-projection 313 moving pictures 438 oil, acetylene, alcohol 135 opaque projection 198 rooms and screens 472 sunlight 164 weak lights 135 Sunlight for opaque projection. . 174