Our master's voice: advertising ([c1934])

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Walter Campbell, it would seem, has overridden all official pro- priety and wisdom in his alleged overt act, and no public trust or confidence once violated, as in this case, can be restored. There seems but one road for Congress—the road in dismissing the Chief of the F&D Department, with penalties, if substantiated. All others who have aided and abetted in these vicious and ir- regular proposals, whether in lending their names or in actions, should come under the same discipline. Honest industry and a decent public prays for a thorough and speedy investigation and not a white-wash of an alleged crime as despicable and deplorable as the sell-out of the "Teapot-Dome." Mr. Lundy, as might be guessed, is a member of the Board of Managers of the United Medicine Manufacturers Associa- tion. He is also connected with the Home Drug Company, against which the Food and Drug Administration has a case pending. But the Senator didn't know this. Nor was the Food and Drug Administration empowered to tell him unless he specifically asked; it had no means and no power to expose one of the most brazen and vicious lobbies that ever dis- graced Washington. In the Nation of February 14 the writer undertook to expose this lobby and the substance of that article, which was entered in the record of the second hearing by Mrs. Harvey W. Wiley.