Paramount's 20th birthday jubilee (1931)

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CLIVE BROOK In a fan magazine recently Give Brook said his favorite role was that of "Heliotrope Harry" in "Forgotten Faces". It must have been difficult to pick a preference from the gallery of splendid screen portraits which this gifted artist has created. His male leads in "Anybody's Woman", "The Laughing Lady" and "Tarnished Lady" bear the Brook hallmark of perfection. T ALU X, All BANKHEAD A very great newstar has come to pictures. Her first production, "Tarnished Lady", will convince you of that beyond a doubt. A beautiful Alabama girl, a success on the American stage, then the sensational craze of London tor years, Miss Bankhead has returned to her native land and scored a triumph. Already she is one of the foremost dramatic actresses of the screen.