Paramount Around the World (1931)

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Page 17 Dored Returns With ISautilus Scoop! 1)ALK and weak from hardships end n red aboard the suhmarine, Nautilus, during many sunless weeks below the frigid ocean a few hundred miles i from the North Pole, John I Dored, intrepid Paramount !: News cameraman, has re turned safely to civilization with a graphic Him record of one of the most perilous explorations ever undertaken by man. As the oihrial photographer of the expedition, which was organized and headed by Sir Hubert Wilkins, Dored made exclusive : and thrilling pictures of the Nautilus p 1 o Li g h i n g , through the Arctic ice, shattering huge ice Helds, plunging under the bergs and pushing on in a gallant attempt to reach the North Pole. He even managed to se cure "shots” while the Nautilus was uiuler the ice cap a few hundred miles from its goal, showdng how the submarine was almost trapped beneath the polar ice. Adien these scenes were taken, neither Wilkins, Dored, nor any member of the crew knew whether he would ever agaiti set foot on top of the ice, much less on the earth's surface. 'The cramped (juarters of tlie almost obsolete suhmarine plus the hitter cold made work a terriHc hardship and sleep a practical impossibility, d'he constant grinding of the ice on the craft’s sides was nerve shattering. Several times the motors failed, and the heavy reek of burtied oil permeated every nook of the crowded vessel, nauseating the men. But despite the awful dis comfort, the maildening obstacles and the hard luck, Adi kins and his hand pushed on, and with them Dored, taking pictures xvhereever possible, never losing his perspective as a trained news man. When the Nautikis bored her way to the surface, Dored would unpack the little I'ubber rowboat and set out for a nearby cake of lloating ice. He didn’t take pictures from the rowboat not steady enough — hut preferred to risk his life on the slippery top of a small berg, where a misstep meant almost certain death, so that the quality of his work should not suffer. From the ice he picturcal the Nautilus plunging below the surface. Imagine his thoughts as the submarine went below’ ! The last liidv in a thousand miles of frozen wastes slipping out of sight! If the Nautilus should lose him. . .hut perhaps he didn’t think too much of this possiblity. Dored brought back his Him in perfect comlition. It is remarkable for its clearness as well as for its interesting material. Soon the Nautilus, useless now' after her harrowing, history-making voyage, wdll be sent to an eternal grave in the North Atl antic. But the story of her fules Verne adventure under the frozen Arctic w'ill he preserved for posterity, thanks to the bravery and ability of John Dorcal, a Paramount cameraman, and the foresight and genius of Ivditor Kmanuel Cohen, wdio sent him on the pioneering jou rney. lilt' 111(111011111 Photo turlli Pole, (ihoiil lu .uihiiici'fjc uii il.'i Dored, Pariinioiiiit N eie.s' eaiii eraiiiaii. .-/.V EX PLOP PR UNDER THii ICE OF THE NORTHERN SE.I.S! The Naidilti.s', in -cehiehi Sir 1 1 iiherl ii'ilkins, after many niishaf.s', sailed -leithin. a few hundred miles of the A first eruise under water in the .Iretie. Inset left: .Sir lliibert ll'ilhins, leader of the e.vf edition. Inset rii/ht : .lohn